
  • Tonight at 8 tuning in from Los Angeles

    The first EP, Vojna Idej, having been released, Siddharta is not standing still. On the turn of 2009 they set for the studio in Los Angeles, more precisely Venice Beach, where for the last two weeks they have been working on new recordings for the new album. All this would be little to mention if they hadn't been taken in by one of the most legendary American music producers, Ross Robinson.

    The cooperation between Siddharta and Robinson came to be soon after he heard their so-far recorded albums and showed a great interest in working with the band. Siddharta has been working on a special conceptual project, Saga, which has been coming to life before the eye of their audience. The project is not only about music but is also artistically broad and has a visually complete story. A different approach to creation and making of the tracks and excellent production by Ross Robinson are an announcement of changes in what we have heard so far and of an album more daring and of far more quality in production, which will melt the ears of the band's fans.

    As we have got used to by now, the Saga concept offers all the fans an insight into daily updated photo and video content; in this respect, the band will not keep the Malibu experience to themselves either. Tonight, i.e. 12 January, 2009 at 8 PM sharp, the band will tune in live from L.A., exclusively on www.siol.net/siddharta-saga. Welcome all! Come see a bit of the happening Siddharta want to share with their fans.

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    Our new year started, well - aviation style.

    Before we really got a chance to change and turn the calendars we were already packed into cars and on our way to Zagreb. From there we flew to Frankfurt, from Frankfurt to Chicago and from there to Los Angeles, where we were greeted by Ross Robinson, who will produce our latest record. We are staying at his home (where he also has the studio) on Venice Beach. Ross is most famous for his work with bands like Korn, Slipknot, Sepultura, The Cure, Deftones, Machine Head, Soulfly, Norma Jean, At The Drive-In, ...

    We will be staying here for about a month and a half and will then slowly head back home.

    What we are doing and how we are doing it is being recorded on cameras, which have become a constant in our everyday lives. The material is piling and is being edited and will soon be available on www.siol.net/siddharta-saga.

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Danes ob 20:00 javljanje iz Los Angelesa

Siddharta ob izdaji prvega singla, Vojna idej, ne počiva. Takoj ob vstopu v leto 2009 se je namreč odpravila v Los Angeles, bolj točno Venice Beach, kjer sedaj že drugi teden pridno dela na novih posnetkih, ki jih pripravljajo za novo ploščo. Vse to pa ne bi bilo tako posebnega pomena, če jih pod svoje okrilje ne bi sprejel eden legendarnih ameriških glasbenih producentov, Ross Robinson.


Sodelovanje med Siddharto in Robinsonom se je pričelo kmalu za tem, ko je slišal njihove do sedaj posnete plošče in izrazil veliko zanimanje za sodelovanje s skupino. Siddharta v letošnjem letu pripravlja poseben, konceptualno zastavljen projekt Saga, ki se že odvija pred očmi javnosti. Ta poleg glasbe nudi umetniško širino z vizualno dodelano zgodbo. Drugačen pristop k ustvarjanju in snemanju skladb ter odlična produkcija Rossa Robinsona napovedujeta spremembe do sedaj slišanega ter vsekakor kakovostno posnet in drznejši album, ki bo topil ušesa pristašev skupine.


Kot pa koncept Sage že sedaj znano dopušča vsem oboževalcem pogled v vse dnevno ažurirane foto in video vsebine preko spleta, skupina tudi izkušnje iz Malibuja ne bo zadržala zase. Danes, 12. 1. 2009 se bo namreč iz L.A.-ja javila ekskluzivno na spletni povezavi www.siol.net/siddharta-saga, točno ob 20. uri. Zato vsi vabljeni k ogledu, ki bo zopet ponudil košček dogajanja, ki ga Siddharta želi deliti s svojo publiko.