
  • Ankaran

    The last of the concerts before our vacation is behind us. Ankaran – as every sea-side town should – awaited us hot and sultry. As we tried to cool down a bit, not even jumping into the sea helped much.

    Anyhow, after a delicious dinner we couldn't wait to take the stage and go with the flow of the energy between us and our audience. We closed the hour-and-a-half-long show some half an hour after midnight but continued the merry celebration from after the show up till the sunrise.

    It was great and it will be still – see you in the autumn!

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  • 4 in a row

    And so they're behind us. Four shows in a row. Škofja Loka, Koper, Murska Sobota and Rock Otočec. It was incredible … and that quadrupled.

    Uverture in Škofja Loka. The beautiful Main Square was overflowing with listeners and as we were told by the insiders we even outnumbered the famous Škofja Loka artist. Sadly we had to end the show by 11 PM but we did not leave our fans deprived. We played an hour-and-a-half-long string of our “evergreens” and after the show had a drink with some of the visitors to exchange an opinion or two.

    It was 9 on the next morning when our bus set off in the direction of Koper. It was a genuinely hot summer day but we were headed for the heat and the smell of the sea. Great! The venue was huge and so was the stage. They showed promise of the mega event to come. The Radio Capris team really outdid themselves! After the sound check we filled our stomachs and lay down on the beach … if one can call it that. :) The long day set into the night and then it was show time. It began with Tabu, followed by Dan D, Vlado Kreslin and at half past midnight Siddharta. The selection of performing artists screamed for two duets – with Vlado Kreslin we performed his Od Višine Se Zvrti and with Dan D our joint concoction of Male Roke / Voda. The crowd of 15,000 was visibly satisfied. We hope we met their needs.

    After two nights of too little sleep, on Saturday at 11 AM we left for Murska Sobota. Many of us made up for the missing hours of sleep by dozing off on the bus. The idyllic surroundings of the Soboški dnevi venue tossed us in a good mood immediately and the evening crowd filled us with new energy. It was a good show – if we leave aside the electricity problems, which somewhat corrupted the quality of the sound. But in our opinion we all had a great time. Greetings to our friends in Idrija, Zablujena Generacija. Thanks for the perfect warm-up – 1, 2, 3, 4 … 5.

    As we should on a Sunday, we pampered ourselves with a big dose of sleep. We didn’t leave for Otočec until 6 PM. The festival of mud and rock’n’roll lived up to its tradition again this year – it didn’t take long to spot the playful visitors enjoying their mud baths. The finale of Euro 2008 kept our eyes fixated on the big screen. Together with the festival visitors we cheered for our own set of favourites. By the way, thanks for the beer! After football it was stage time for us and the grand finale of our mini tour. Thanks to our accompanying crew who always take care of everything so that we can do our part enjoyingly. Thanks to all of you before the stage who support us. May we have many a great concert together!

    See you in Ankaran!
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© Manca Gašpirc

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Pa smo jih preživeli. Štiri koncerte zapored. Škofja Loka, Koper, Murska Sobota in Rock Otočec. Bilo je več kot enkratno... človek bi rekel kar štirikratno.
Za uverturo Škofja Loka. Čudovit Glavni trg je bil preplavljen s poslušalci in po besedah insiderjev smo po obisku celo prekašali njihovega znanega sokrajana. Koncert se je žal moral zaključiti že ob 23. uri, vendar naših poslušalcev nismo pustili prikrajšanih. Odigrali smo uro in pol dolg repertoar naših "evergreenov". Ob pijači po koncertu pa smo si z nekaterimi obiskovalci tudi izmenjali mnenje ali dva.
Ob 9h zjutraj naslednji dan je naš bus že peljal proti Kopru. Pravi poletni dan, vročina in vonj po morju sta bila pred nami. Super. Ogromno prizorišče in oder sta obetala mega dogodek. Organizatorji z radia Capris so se res potrudili! Po tonski vaji smo se najedli in šli ležat na plažo ... če se ji sploh lahko tako reče :) Dolg dan se je prevesil v noč in nastopi so se začeli. Tabujci, Dan D, Vlado in ob pol enih zjutraj še nastop Siddharte. Družba glasbenikov je kar klicala po dveh duetih in tako smo z Vladom odigrali njegovo Višino, nato pa z Dan D še Male roke / Vodo. 15.000-glava množica je bila zadovoljna in upamo, da tudi zadovoljena.
Zdaj že res s premalo spanca smo se ob 11h v soboto napotili v Mursko Soboto. Veliko nas je lovilo manjkajoče urice spanja kar na avtobusu. Idilično okolje Soboških dni nas je takoj spravilo v dobro voljo in množica zvečer takoj navdahnila z novo energijo. Fina predstava, le malo nam je nagajala elektrika in je zvok ozvočenja nihal. Ampak imamo občutek, da smo se vsi dobro zabavali. Pozdrav tudi prijateljem iz Idrije - Zablujeni generaciji - za odlično ogrevanje...1, 2, 3, 4....5.
Kot se za nedeljo spodobi, se je prilegel malce daljši spanec. Na Otočec smo šli šele ob 18h. Festival blata in rock'n'rolla je tudi letos ohranil svojo tradicijo, tako smo takoj opazili nadebudne obiskovalce, kako uživajo v blatni kopeli. Finale evropskega prvenstva nas je prikoval pred veliko platno in skupaj z obiskovalci smo navijali vsak za svoje favorite. Btw. hvala za pivo! Po nogometu pa oder in veliki finale tudi za našo mini turnejo. Hvala naši ekipi, ki nas spremlja in nam omogoča, da lahko uživamo v našem delu. Hvala tudi vsem, ki nas podpirate pod odrom ... na še več dobrih koncertov!
Se vidimo v Ankaranu!