LIVE IMPRESSIONS, 2012-10-18, WROCLAW (Klub Madness)
The first “wow” hit us when we arrived to Wroclaw; 20 degrees and of course – sun. As usual, when left with enough time on our hands to load-in, we went for a stroll. No one knows how and why, but we got this sudden craving for fast-food. Navigation however betrayed us totally and led us to the nearest nonexistent McDonald’s. So we returned empty handed back to the club where our hardworking crew members, Duši and Rope, were already waiting for us. After the sound check the second “wow” hit us when we looked out of the window and saw a long line in front of the club. We knew that the turn-out would be great, but we never expected anything like this. The club filled and the third “wow” hit us during the first song and lasted all the way through the gig and on and on. The crowd when bat-shit crazy, cheering us on throughout the gig (which was intentionally sung in Slovene), they knew all the lyrics (even the new ones), sang along and wanted more and more and more... We talked to a few of them after the show and they told us that they’ve missed so much during the last 8 years since the last time we were here, that they drove for a couple of 100 km’s to see us. Some of them spoke to us in Slovene and they told us that it was our lyrics that got them in to Slovene language. Incredible. To all Polish fans; thank you for being so amazing and thank you for letting us know that we need to get back to Poland as soon as possible!Read more -
We woke up still parked in Berlin’s Kreuzberg district and we used the sunny morning for coffee and buying some gifts for our families, who couldn’t be there with us. We were in no hurry, since Cottbus is relatively close to Berlin. Well, as it turned out, we still needed a couple of hours to get there due to a major traffic jam (which most of us slept through). But it soon became obvious that most of the people caught in the traffic jam weren’t headed for Cottbus. We got there in the afternoon and the city was empty and silent. There was barely a soul or a car on the streets. A ghost town. And this reflected to our evening gig. We did our best and impressed those few who made it to the gig. It was only later that the club owner told us that Wednesdays are reserved for a huge student-party and people are really hard to convince to stray off their routine. But on the upside we got at least one new fan who broadened his specter of favorite Slovene bands from Laibach to Siddharta.Read more -
Berlin would not be Berlin if it would not have given as many wonderful moments as it did. We had a free day yesterday and we took full advantage of it to res ourselves a bit, do some shopping and meeting with our team from Berlin and Slovenia. The work in SO36 started early this morning because we had a special event ahead of us; live 3D stream. Because this was a 1st-time-ever for all involved there were also some really tense moments during the preparations. At 5:30 PM we blasted through The Whitest Swan and made sure that everything was working properly. The locals seduced us with home-baked sweets. We let them seduce us even though there is such a wide variety of non-European restaurants in Kreuzberg (where the club is) that you could not possibly visit all of them in a day. So we parted ways and separately invaded different restaurants and treated ourselves to Indian lassi, Japanese sushi, Tai noodles, ...Read more
At 11 PM the roaring sound of our intro started spreading through the speakers and optical cables worldwide. For us and the audience (judging by their feedback) the whole gig rated high on the + charts and we were honestly pleased with that. Most of these pleasantly surprised people shared their experience with us. The Berlin audience came through again and turned out to be grateful, open and most of all unweary. Hat’s off. -
LIVE IMPRESSIONS, 2012-10-14, COLOGNE (Underground)
Cologne. Finally some rain. Because we started working late in the afternoon, most of the crew decided to go for a walk in the city and sightseeing. Tisa and Tomaž kicked themselves in their sporting asses, packed their climbing shoes and went climbing in the nearest climbing place. It didn’t seem like Sunday. Not even in the evening when Underground filled with a respectful number of music fans. Fans of loud music. Before us the upper lever of decibel specter was being pursued by Motörhead-inspired The Messerschmith. During our show it was really nice to see how the faces of the crowd became more and more enthused. Even on that one guy’s face (from Australia) who kept, at the top of his voice, requesting an AC/DC song. He ended up headbanging through our entire set, even though we stuck to our songs. Thank you all for being a great company throughout the show. It was great! Tomorrow we have a day-off in Berlin. Cheers!Read more -
The sun and autumn warmth greeted us on our morning drive to Frankfurt. Again, pretty un-German. We got to the club Das Bett too early, but that was just fine because the local crew was there too early also and we finished with sound check by the time we should be finished with the load-in. In this, acoustically tricky, venue the mix position was right next to the bar, which in relative sense means quicker access to beer than mix buttons. But all joking aside and let’s start drinking! After the show, of course.Read more
Jamie’s Backyard, the support act, did their job extremely well. Our fans were insatiable. We should note that fans from Kell, where we played about a year ago, also paid us a visit. It was interesting to hear the screams from the throats of our German fans, calling out for songs to be sung in Slovene. And even though we stuck to our guns and made their wish come true only during Napoj, we couldn’t get off the stage until after the second bis. And even then we could play some more. Even our Eva and her merch stand were constantly under siege. It was amazing. Thank you all and we hope to see you again very soon! -
Well, the clouds over Germany finally caught up with us in Dortmund. This kind of air pressure makes you want to explore all the potentials of the coffee machine on our extremely cozy tour bus. So cozy, in fact, that it’s hard to choose between a walk in the city you’re in for the first time and preparing a self-made cappuccino.Read more
The sound check in FWZ went as smoothly as a knife through butter, Stefan had to do more than he bargained for and Vido (our light designer) had to deal with two “napolitanke”. The sun peeked from behind the clouds (again – against all odds with Tomaž’s phone) and we decided to get some fresh air before dinner.
The Love Crime left a unique impression. And also some beer in the backstage. Oh, and the gig was truly awesome! We had a great turn-out and the atmosphere was fantastic. If not for club’s curfew you could have squeezed an additional bonus out of us. Instead some of you waited for us after the show and we had a few drinks and chats. The night was still young and we went for a stroll down the Dortmund’s version of Čopova and Nazorjeva street. When sleep finally won over us, our driver, Michael, safely drove us to Frankfurt am Main ... -
Against our expectations (read: iPhone weather forecast) Hamburg welcomed us with sun that stayed with us during the late-morning coffee, which was swiftly followed by lunch that provided us with the energy needed for the sound check in Logo. This was the second time we were at this venue and were again met with extraordinary kindness and complaisance of the locals. Moonrise opened the playful evening and we followed them with an hour and half set, joined by an extremely welcoming crowd who accepted and cheered us on with German-Slovene chants. Most of our set was performed in English and we soon found out that some of the new songs really pack a punch in their message. Still others, sung from the N-th time in Slovene, are looking for that lost verse in the basket full of multiple languages. This however provides our crew, who are the only ones who understand the new-found lyrics, with waves of laughter. In the clear night (again – against all predictions by Tomaž’s iPhone) we Lego-ed our gear onto the bus and left for Dortmund. From here on we could have written something extremely interesting, but we won’t, and without mentioning a certain little axe, it seems like this day lacked something. But it didn’t.Read more -
“VI” (English edition) IS OUT NOW!!!
“VI” (English edition) was released today!Read more
It is available via iTunes, Siddharta.BandCamp.com and at live gigs in Germany and Poland!
Tomorrow also starts our German tour with an additional date in Poland.
11. 10. @ Logo, Hamburg
12. 10. @ FZW/Freizeitzentrum, Dortmund
13. 10. @ Das Bett, Frankfurt am Main
14. 10. @ Underground, Cologne
16. 10. @ SO36, Berlin
17. 10. @ Bebel, Cottbus
18. 10. @ Klub Muzyczny MADNESS, Wroclaw, Poland
19. 10. @ Pushkin club, Dresden
20. 10. @ Garage Deluxe, Munich
Tickets available HERE http://www.ticketmaster.de/artist/siddharta-Tickets/900067
On the 16th of October all of you out there from all across the world can log in via the Facebook app “Skyroomlive” or by visiting the site directly www.skyroomlive.com to view our concert live from Berlin’s SO36 club.Read more
The entire concert is brought to you free of charge and can be viewed in 2D or 3D. To view in 3D, you need a 3D enabled TV set or 3D glasses for viewing on the computer. Alternatively fans can view it normally in 2D on any devise: phone, tablet, laptop or TV screen.
This unique experience is a first for Germany and we will be giving fans an unforgettable performance.
11. 10. @ Logo, Hamburg, Germany • w/ Moonrise (http://www.facebook.com/moonrise.music)
12. 10. @ FZW/Freizeitzentrum, Dortmund, Germany • w/ The Love Crime (http://www.facebook.com/thelovecrime)
13. 10. @ Das Bett, Frankfurt am Main, Germany • w/ Jamie's Backyard (http://www.facebook.com/JamiesBackyard)
14. 10. @ Underground, Cologne, Germany • w/ The Messersmith (http://www.facebook.com/themessersmith)
16. 10. @ SO36, Berlin, Germany • w/ LEASH (http://www.facebook.com/leashbandinfo)
17. 10. @ Bebel, Cottbus, Germany • w/ Nape (http://www.facebook.com/napeband)
18. 10. @ Klub Muzyczny MADNESS, Wroclaw, Poland
19. 10. @ Pushkin club, Dresden, Germany
20. 10. @ Garage Deluxe, Munich, Germany
Tickets available here: http://www.ticketmaster.de/artist/siddharta-Tickets/900067.

| 87 picturesBerlin would not be Berlin if it would not have given as many wonderful moments as it did. We had a free day yesterday and we took full advantage of it to res ourselves a bit, do some shopping and meeting with our team from Berlin and Slovenia. The work in SO36 started early this morning because we had a special event ahead of us; live 3D stream. Because this was a 1st-time-ever for all involved there were also some really tense moments during the preparations. At 5:30 PM we blasted through The Whitest Swan and made sure that everything was working properly. The locals seduced us with home-baked sweets. We let them seduce us even though there is such a wide variety of non-European restaurants in Kreuzberg (where the club is) that you could not possibly visit all of them in a day. So we parted ways and separately invaded different restaurants and treated ourselves to Indian lassi, Japanese sushi, Tai noodles, ...
At 11 PM the roaring sound of our intro started spreading through the speakers and optical cables worldwide. For us and the audience (judging by their feedback) the whole gig rated high on the + charts and we were honestly pleased with that. Most of these pleasantly surprised people shared their experience with us. The Berlin audience came through again and turned out to be grateful, open and most of all unweary. Hat’s off.
At 11 PM the roaring sound of our intro started spreading through the speakers and optical cables worldwide. For us and the audience (judging by their feedback) the whole gig rated high on the + charts and we were honestly pleased with that. Most of these pleasantly surprised people shared their experience with us. The Berlin audience came through again and turned out to be grateful, open and most of all unweary. Hat’s off.