Read moreThe decision has been made! On Thursday, November 4, our opening act in Cvetličarna will be Adam (www.groupadam.com) and on Friday, November 5, Puppetz (www.puppetz.si). Both bands earned our trust with positive approach and persistence with which they pursue their goals and foremost with their convincing live performances. Opening acts will start at 20.15 and will prepare you for our 2-and-a half hour set filled with hits from ID, Nord, Rh-, Petrolea and Saga albums. We will prepare an unforgettable evening! And on top of it, all those who come to these two concerts will receive a special limited edition of our current radio single Narava (The Land), that was produced especially for this occasion by our sponsor, Volkswagen.
See you there!
Narava on Stoppops 20
Read moreOur latest single Narava (The Land) landed on Stoppops 20 chart. How high can it get?
Don't fight your natural instinct and click it all the way to the very top here http://www.revijastop.si/component/option,com_citadelavote/Itemid,229/groupId,120/.
Thank you! -
Read moreLast night was just another confirmation of the fact that our friends in Maribor are the very reason why we keep coming back!
In spite of the cold, you managed to create an electrifying atmosphere which will make this concert hard to forget. Thank you, Maribor!
We will see you in Cvetličarna (LJ), more details on this will follow shortly.
You can see the photos from last night's concert here...
Read moreTomorrow we play 'Gremo na prvi rok' on a grassy platform of UŠC Maribor at 22h! Start of a new academic year in a good company of Maribor's freshmen will be unforgettable – so join us!
SIDDHARTA IN LJUBLJANA – November 4th and 5th in Cvetličarna
Read moreAfter a successful festival summer and short vacations Siddharta is back on stage.
They will rock Ljubljana’s Cvetličarna with two unforgettable nights of Saga as well as some older hits that were not played live for a long time. Since guys support Slovene bands and their music, they will give a chance to two newcomers to introduce themselves as support acts. The final selection of those will be published later on www.siddharta.net and in media.
Tickets are on sale on www.eventim.si.
Read moreThe Land is the sixth single from Saga, produced by Ross Robinson in his LA studio. The song will also be featured in the film ‘Sfinga/Sphinx’ by Gregor Kresal (more at www.sfinga.net). The connection between the two is obvious: Sfinga/Sphinx – a legendary stone guardian of the mountain Triglav, so dignified, so grand and unapproachable, standing in the beauty of ‘The Land’ that is all around us.
Allow yourself to be enchanted by it too. You can download all versions of the song here:
Read moreA new concert date is posted. On Tuesday, 12.10.2010, at 22.00h, we are playing in Maribor at a concert called 'Gremo na prvi rok 2010'! Location – grassy platform at UŠC Maribor. See you there!

SIDDHARTA V LJUBLJANI - 4. in 5.11. v Cvetličarni
Po uspešnem poletnem koncertiranju na festivalskih odrih in krajši počitniški pavzi, se Siddharta vrača na klubske odre.
Na koncertih v ljubljanski Cvetličarni bo postregla z dvema nepozabnima večeroma, na katerih bo slišati komade z zadnjega albuma Saga in tudi uspešnice starejšega datuma, ki jih že dolgo nismo doživeli v živo. Ker so fantje mnenja, da morajo biti slovenska glasba in bendi prepoznavnejši med širšim občinstvom, bodo dali priložnost predstavitve tudi dvema novejšima glasbenima skupinama. Izbor predskupin bo objavljen na www.siddharta.net in v medijih.
Karte so v predprodaji na vseh Eventimovih prodajnih mestih – www.eventim.si.