

    10 years will pass on September 13 since our concert at Plečnik Stadium in Bežigrad (Ljubljana), when we performed with Symphonic Orchestra RTV Slovenia and 70 dancers in front of a crowd of over 30.000.

    To mark this anniversary we joined with Symphonic Orchestra RTV Slovenia again and are now preparing an acoustic concert in Gallus Hall of Cankarjev dom which will take place on June 17, 2013.

    Tickets are available at the Cankarjev dom box-office and at at www.mojekarte.si.

    SEE YA!
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    When we arrived Zagreb showered us with early April rain, so we headed straight for the club KSET, right after some snacks that we fixed ourselves on the bus. In the club the local crew was kind enough to helped us with the load-in and other technicalities.

    On this day the atmosphere was a bit different than on the rest of the days. On the last day of the tour the whole crew is in a unique mental state; symbiosis of joy over the fact that we are heading home and longing after the fact that we could tour some more, at least for as long as we just did. At the same time the whole day smells of an unforgettable, energy-fueled evening into which we must give our everything. We did so for the last ten days with the greatest of pleasure. Together with diligent Duši and Darjan, who brought – beside their muscles and patience – a whole lot of good will to the table; with Eva, who earned her way back home with an extraordinary sales; with Tisa, who managed to overcome almost everything, from top-notch sound systems to the situations when she wished she could be a speaker herself; with Vido, who managed to light up the venues no matter how difficult the technicalities proved themselves to be (if nothing else he did it with his wits); with Andraž, who yet again proved himself to be an extraordinary coordinator and tour manager and more than sometimes a catalyst for some lonely specimens of implicitly high strung nerves within the group, ensuring its smooth internal functioning. And last but not least; with Christian who, after thousands of kilometers of potholes, peacefully and kindly drove from venue to venue. All this was of course closely monitored from afar by our dear management team; from Melinda, Sašo and Satch to Andrej, who came (with our better halves) to an absolutely unforgettable evening in Zagreb.

    Fully packed and sold out club KSET almost collapsed during the show. This is of course due to the extremely positive energy and the excitement that you channeled straight to us onto the stage. In the meantime it was raining outside.
    Thank you, dear friends from Zagreb, for your devoted and warm support!

    The road to Ljubljana was filled with memories of the last ten days and  full of expectations because at the end of this tour we are finally moving into out new rock n' roll headquarters. At this moment we lack nothing but a fair start of the spring!
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ŽIVI VTISI, 29. 3. 2013, ZAGREB - KSET

Ko smo prispeli, se je Zagreb tuširal v prezgodnjem aprilskem dežju, zato smo, takoj po malici, ki smo si jo pripravili kar na avtobusu, skočili v klub KSET, kjer nam je prijazno osebje predčasno priskočilo na pomoč, tako z load-in-om kot z ostalimi tehnikalijami.

Vzdušje v zraku je bilo ta dan malce drugačno kot ponavadi. Na zadnjem koncertu turneje je celotna ekipa vsakič v nekem posebnem mentalnem stanju: simbioza veselja nad dejstvom, da se vračamo domov, in želje po tem, da bi lahko okrog potovali še enkrat toliko. Istočasno pa celoten dan diši po še enem nepozabnem, energetsko nabitem večeru, v katerega moramo vsi vložiti maksimalen del sebe. To smo počeli z največjim veseljem zadnjih deset dni, skupaj z marljivima Dušijem in Darjanom, ki sta poleg mišic in potrpljenja v turnejo vložila vse svoje zaloge dobre volje; z Evo, ki si je povratek domov zaslužila z več kot solidno prodajo naših izdelkov; s Tiso, ki je uspešno prebrodila vse, od vrhunskih ozvočenj, do situacij, ko si je sama zaželela biti zvočnik; z Vidom, ki je prav tako v vsaki, še tako oteženi tehnični sferi, odlično osvetlil prostor (če ne z lučjo pa s svojim humorjem); z Andražem, ki se je zopet odlično izkazal kot koordinator na poti, včasih pa tudi kot katalizator za kakšen osamljen primerek implicitno načetega živca v ekipi, ki bi sicer le stežka še bolje notranje funkcionirala. Nenazadnje pa nas je, kljub vsem jamam na cesti, voznik Christian nekaj tisoč kilometrov vztrajno, mirno in prijazno prepeljal od mesta do mesta. Vse dogajanje je od daleč seveda zvesto spremljala naša draga management ekipa, od Melinde, Saša in Satcha, do Andreja, ki so se, skupaj z našimi najdražjimi polovicami, pripeljali v Zagreb na absolutno nepozaben večer.

Nabito poln klub je med koncertom popokal po šivih, seveda od vse izjemno pozitivne energije in vzhičenja, ki je prihajalo od vas k nam, neposredno na oder. Zunaj pa je vseskozi rahlo naletaval dež. Hvala, dragi Zagrebčani, da ste nas tako zvesto in toplo podprli!

Pot do Ljubljane je bila polna obujanja spominov na zadnjih deset dni, in polna pričakovanja ob vselitvi v naš novi, čudoviti rock’n’roll dom. Sedaj nam ne manjka popolnoma nič drugega kot en pošten pričetek pomladi.