

    Although, in all honesty, it was anything but an escape. The experience we had in the US with Ross and Ryan (R'n'R) is unforgettable. We wish we could put it into words but there really are none that can even come close to what we would like to say. At the end of the day it is still just a description and it is far from the real thing. We left L. A. not only with a finished record and a sun tan, but with so much more that Ross has given us. And it, yet again, cannot be put into words.

    What we can say is that the record sounds awesome. There is still some work to be done (such as mixing and mastering and ...) and in between we will keep you occupied with the songs we recorded before we left for L. A. And the next one is just around the corner.

    It is good to be home, even if it is a bit cold(er) here ...

    Love, Siddharta

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Pobeg iz L. A.

Čeprav, povsem odkrito povedano, je bil vse kaj drugega kot pobeg. Ameriška izkušnja z Rossom in Ryanom (R'n'R) je nepozabna. Radi bi jo ubesedili pa žal ne najdemo besed, ki bi se lahko približale tistemu, kar želimo povedati. Na koncu je to vendarle samo opis in je daleč od doživetega. L. A. smo zapustili ne samo s posneto ploščo in zagorele polti, temveč še z vsem tistim, kar smo dobili od Rossa. In tega spet ne moremo ubesediti.


Kar pa lahko rečemo, pa je, da plošča zveni fenomenalno. Še vedno jo čaka nekaj posegov (kot naprimer miks in mastering in ...), medtem pa vas bomo zaposlili s komadi, ki smo jih posneli pred odhodom v L. A. In naslednji je takoj za vogalom.


Lepo je biti spet doma, pa čeprav je tu malce hladneje ...


Lep pozdrav, Siddharta