Blaz wins awards for Saga illustrations!
Read more10 out of 12 illustrations (which Blaz Porenta did for our latest record Saga) won golden CGHUB awards!
We would like to congratulate and thank him at the same time!
The winning images are:
Cover image "Saga": http://cghub.com/images/view/56586/
War of Ideas: http://cghub.com/images/view/56595/
Drive by Night: http://cghub.com/images/view/56594/
Stampedo: http://cghub.com/images/view/56593/
Baroko: http://cghub.com/images/view/56592/
Napalm 3: http://cghub.com/images/view/56591/
The Crows are Lost: http://cghub.com/images/view/56590/
This Picture: http://cghub.com/images/view/56589/
Angel Diabolo: http://cghub.com/images/view/56588/
The Land: http://cghub.com/images/view/56587/ -
And it's ours!
Read moreAnd it's ours!
The Viktor 2009 award for best music performer. Seventh Viktor on our shelf.
And we have you to thank for it, our loyal fans who voted for us. Thanks to all! Thanks for believing in us, thanks for your support. -
Viktor 2010 Nominee
Read moreA year and a half of hard work didn't go unnoticed after all. We have been nominated for Viktor 2010 in the Music Artist category.
Maybe the rest of the Viktors on our shelves will get some new company. Maybe ...
We'll see. (Relatively) soon. -
Read moreTheatrical rock concert for the young, aged 8 to 99
Siddharta and Anton Podbevšek Theatre in Novo mesto are setting off on an interesting journey this April. With our music we will complement a theatrical performance directed by Nana Milčinski, which is to premiere on 8 April, 2010.
You can find more info below and at www.antonpodbevsekteater.si.
The performance entitled Last Kiss of Livingston is a synthesis of theatrical and electronic art and at the same time exploration of interdependence of classical music (Bach, Mozart and Rimsky-Korsakov) and modern rock. Siddharta, director Nana Milčinski and three female musicians undertake a story of an identity search, of a desire for fulfilment, and aim at innovation, at the new, at breakthrough, at discoveries of points, territories and models yet unknown. All of these come together through quotations of the Jonathan Livingston story, translated by Janez Gradišnik, narrated by Tomi M. and with the help of the technology of Skype by eminent Slovenians who have revealed their gestus within the universal and who, just as the literary figure of Jonathan Seagull, have themselves experienced the strain of the concept, the training, the faith in knowing and in the goal, and who have stood the negation of this singularity, experienced the isolation and the solitude, but nonetheless those selected for being a reference to and metaphor for the emergence of desire, the persistent dimension of desire which recognizes the inner calling to be its vocation, its gift fulfilment, as opposed to all the other and different circumstances.
Tomi M.
Primož B.
Jani H.
Boštjan M.
Tomaž O.R.Irena Yebuah Tiran
Brina Nataša Zupančič
Katarina ŠtefaničConcept and direction: Nana Milčinski
Music: SiddhartaContact: APT INFO TEL: +386 31 382 560
Ticket price: 10/12 €
Performance dates:
Premiere: 8 April at 8 PM
9 April at 6 PM and 8 PM
10 April at 8 PM
12 April at 1 PM and 4 PM

Nominacija za Viktor 2010
Očitno je bilo skoraj leto in pol dela dobro opaženega, saj so nas zopet uvrstili med nominirance za Viktorje v kategoriji Glasbeni izvajalec.
Mogoče se pa ostalim na naših policah pridruži nov član. Mogoče ...
Bomo videli. (Sorazmerno) kmalu.