Siddharta 99-02
Today a selection of Siddharta tracks from the years 1999 to 2002 has been released with our former record company, Multimedia Records. It is an independent project of Multimedia Records, in which Siddharta took no part. In this respect we wish to tell you that Siddharta's views mostly point to the future, to projects, from which much quality music should sprout. At this time we are not considering looking back to the past in the form of releases of anthologies, best-of editions, etc. We believe the time for such editions is not right. This is why the mentioned project of Multimedia Records DOES NOT HAVE OUR SUPPORT. We do not consider this project one of Siddharta's projects but rather a way of exploiting the band's popularity, especially following the successful concert at Ljubljana's Central Stadium on 13th September 2003.Read more
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Siddharta -
Concert in Ljubljana
Read moreAll working on the project of Siddharta and Symphony Orchestra concert in Ljubljana on 13th September, 2003 wish to inform you that the concert has almost been sold out. Some advance sale vendors have already run out of the tickets. Advance sale will start closing today in the most remote parts of Slovenia as we take certain safety precautions, trying to assure a safe realization of the concert. Nevertheless, we will make sure we withhold some tickets for the foreign visitors who were unable to buy them before. For them tickets will be available on 13th September, 2003 from 3 PM at the stadium cashier's desk. From 5 PM and until sellout tickets will be available for everybody.We would like to take this opportunity to ask the concert-goers to appear at the stadium from 4 PM and to not park their vehicles in the stadium vicinity as traffic will be running as usual with the exception of Vodovodna Street, which will be closed for traffic.
© Siddharta
Siddharta 99-02
Today a selection of Siddharta tracks from the years 1999 to 2002 has been released with our former record company, Multimedia Records. It is an independent project of Multimedia Records, in which Siddharta took no part. In this respect we wish to tell you that Siddharta's views mostly point to the future, to projects, from which much quality music should sprout. At this time we are not considering looking back to the past in the form of releases of anthologies, best-of editions, etc. We believe the time for such editions is not right. This is why the mentioned project of Multimedia Records DOES NOT HAVE OUR SUPPORT. We do not consider this project one of Siddharta's projects but rather a way of exploiting the band's popularity, especially following the successful concert at Ljubljana's Central Stadium on 13th September 2003.
Thank you for your understanding.
Thank you for your understanding.