
  • Mobitel MMS

    After two days of countless jumps on, off and before the stage, in the heat of the VPK hall spotlights, directed by Vinci Vogue Anžlovar and in cooperation with Slovenia's mobile provider Mobitel a commercial for the MMS service was shot.

    In order to make the shooting more than just hard work, we awarded our most heated fans, who joined us before the stage - some even on stage - with a small concert just for them.

    A sincere thank-you to all who took part!

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© Siddharta

Mobitel MMS

| 23 pictures

Po dveh dneh neštetih skokov na odru, z njega in pod njim v soju reflektorjev smo v vročini dvorane VPK v sodelovanju z družbo Mobitel posneli reklamni spot za storitev MMS. Spot je režiral Vinci Vogue Anžlovar.

Da snemanje ni bilo le trdo delo, smo naše najbolj zagrete fane, ki so se nam pridružili pod odrom, nekateri pa tudi na njem, nagradili z manjšim koncertom posebej zanje.

Iskrena hvala vsem sodelujočim!