
  • Sevnica

    Spet je ura 11 in spet smo skupaj. Pred “placom” je vzdušje še bolj jutranje, ekipa nalaga opremo, ostali počasi kapljajo. Po jutranji kavi se počasi natovorimo na avtobus tudi sami. Dan se je začel precej običajno, nič ni takšnega, kar ne bi doživeli že mnogokrat. Pa vendar je ta sobota nekaj posebnega. Na avtobusu se kar naenkrat iz zvočnika zasliši “Vse najboljše, Boštjan!” Boštjan namreč danes praznuje rojstni dan. In verjemite, lepšega darila, kot je koncert za rojstni dan, si ne bi mogel želeti.

    Po približno uri in pol vožnje prispemo v Sevnico, natančneje na Sevniški grad. Grad je prelep, na grajskem dvorišču je prekrasen vodnjak, z gradu se razteza neverjeten razgled. Organizator je tokrat res presegel vsa pričakovanja, zaodrje je urejeno, hrana je fenomenalna. Kot bi vedeli, da je danes za enega izmed nas prav poseben dan.

    Tonska vaja steče brez zapletov, razen manjše zamude zaradi poroke, ki se ravno takrat odvija na grajskem dvorišču. Pa nič hudega, časa do začetka koncerta je dovolj.

    Okoli osmih se začne program, najprej so na vrsti Carina, za njimi Jezus Osebno. Ljudje se počasi nabirajo, vzdušje je pravo – rock & roll in grajsko obzidje, na katerem skupina fantov bruha ogenj in vrti ognjene bakle. Nastopi še Gatuzo in počasi se pripravimo tudi mi.

    Ura je 23.20, z odra se zasliši B Mashina, atmosfera je popolna, dvorišče je polno. Voščilo Boštjanu z neverjetnim “Happy birthday” v izvedbi tisočglave množice je res darilo, ki si ga lahko vsakdo samo želi. Koncert, ki bo našemu bobnarju zagotovo za vselej ostal v spominu, se izteče brez zapletov.

    Po koncertu smo v zaodrju v krogu ožjih prijateljev seveda Boštjanu nazdravili še, kot se spodobi. Vse najboljše, Boštjan!

    Hvala ekipi, organizatorju in predvsem hvala naši zvesti publiki za podporo.

© Aleksander Remec


| 20 slik
It’s 11 o’clock and again we meet outside our “place”. The atmosphere goes hand in hand with the morning hours. Our crew is stacking the gear, the rest are slowly dropping in. After the morning coffee we take our time loading ourselves on the bus as well. The day is no different from those we have had so many times before, nothing out of the ordinary. But still today is a special day. All of a sudden the speakers on the bus scream “Happy birthday, Boštjan!” It’s Boštjan’s birthday today. And trust us, you cannot wish for a better birthday present than a concert.

It takes us about an hour and a half to get to Sevnica, more precisely up to the Sevnica castle. It’s a stunning castle with a gorgeous well in the middle of the courtyard and a magnificent view. The event promoters have outdone themselves, exceeded all expectations. Backstage is great, the food so delicious. As if they knew that for one of us today is a special day.

The sound check goes smoothly – if we neglect the fact it has been delayed due to a wedding in the courtyard. No problem, there’s still enough time before the concert starts.

It’s about 8 PM now and the program begins with Carina, followed by Jezus Osebno. Crowds start to gather, the atmosphere is just right – rock & roll and some fire-breathers and torch-jugglers up on the castle wall. Next up is Gatuzo and it’s about time we got ready.

It’s 11:20 PM, sounds of B Mashina are heard from the stage. The atmosphere is perfect, the courtyard full. A “Happy Birthday” song sung to Boštjan by a crowd of a few thousand is a present one can only wish for. The concert our drummer will definitely remember for the rest of his life goes through as planned.

After the concert we toast to Boštjan as we should – in the circle of our closest friends. Happy birthday, Boštjan!

Thanks to our crew, the event promoters and most of all thanks to our fans for all your support.