
  • December bo še kako živ!

    Leto 2007 je bilo za Siddharto sila uspešno. Z nagrado Viktor v roki so se fantje v začetku leta podali na klubsko turnejo, zaigrali na nekaterih poletnih festivalih , bili ponovno nominirani za Best Adriatic Act na MTV in koncertno sezono zaključili z odmevnima nastopoma v Izštekanih na Valu202 in koncertnim Maratonom v Hali Tivoli. In prav slednja dogodka sta bila za njih tako posebna, da so se ju odločili podoživeti z izidom dveh živih albumov.

    Od ponedeljka, 10. 12. 2007, bosta tako na voljo kar 2 koncertna albuma skupine Siddharta. Album Izštekani bo obsegal CD z glasbo zaigrano v oddaji, na DVD-ju pa si boste lahko radijsko oddajo tudi ogledali. Album Maraton bo zajemal kar 4 CD-je z vso glasbo, ki je bila zaigrana na tem večurnem glasbenem presežku in DVD z dokumentarnim filmom o dogajanju pred dvorano in v njej, pred koncertom in med njim.

    In da bo mera polna, na dan izida, 10. 12. ob 19h, bo Siddharta v prostorih glasbene trgovine Big Bang Giga v BTC-ju otvorila razstavo koncertnih fotografij nastalih v obdobju 2006/2007 in jih je v objektiv ujel fotograf Aleksander Remec. Ob tem bo skupina tudi na voljo za podpisovanje svojih novih in starih albumov.

© Siddharta

It's going to be a lively December!

It's been a highly successful year for Siddharta, 2007. Armed with a Viktor award, early this year the guys set off on a club tour, played at a few summer festivals, received another MTV Best Adriatic Act nomination and closed the tour with two outstanding live performances: one in the Izštekani show on Radio Val 202 and the other in a concert marathon in Ljubljana's Hala Tivoli. These latter events they found so special that they decided they needed to be re-lived by releasing two live albums.

Thus from Monday, 10 December, 2007, two Siddharta's live albums will become available. The Izštekani album will include a CD with all the music performed during the show, while the DVD will give you the rare opportunity of viewing the radio show. The Marathon album will include as many as four CDs with all the music performed at this musical surplus, which stretched over many hours, and a DVD with a documentary on the happening outside and inside the hall, both before the show and during it.

And to top it all, Siddharta will open an exhibition of concert photos as caught through the lens of photographer Aleksander Remec in the years 2006-2007. The exhibition opening will take place in the Big Bang Giga music store in Ljubljana's BTC at 7 PM . At the opening, the band will be available for signing of the new and the old albums.