
  • Muzikfest, Ljubljana (Gospodarsko razstavišče)

    Petek je bil res zapolnjen, da. Že dopoldne smo se vse skupine zbrale na Gospodarskem razstavišču in opravile generalko pred večerno realnostjo. Vse pohvale organiziranosti odrske ekipe, saj je prireditev že na generalki potekala brez omembe vrednih zapletov... Urnik smo celo prehitevali.

    Popoldanske urice smo izkoristili za obed in kratko siesto, zvečer pa smo vsi zbrani nestrpno pričakovali začetek. Ob 21h, ko je nastopil prvi bend, je bila dvorana že dodobra zapolnjena. Od prvih taktov naprej so ljudje izkazovali spoštovanje do legend slovenskega rocka in vzdušje v dvorani je bilo enkratno. Prav tako je bilo v zaodrju. Redkokdaj smo priča taki homogenosti raznih glasbenikov, kakršna je bila v petek. Užitek je bil samo sedeti in opazovati nasmejane obraze. Mi smo bili na odru okrog 23h in odigrali Neki sladkega in Ring. Minilo je hitro in brez zapletov. V publiki smo prepoznali nekaj poznanih obrazov z naših koncertov. Kot zadnji so stopili, pravzaprav poleteli na oder Big Foot Mama in v uri in petnajst do konca oželi publiko. Po koncertu zabave ni manjkalo... Končala se je, kot se za rockerje spodobi, proti jutru. Vsekakor velja še enkrat čestitati slavljencem in jim zaželeti še več takih jubilejev!

© Big Foot Mama

Muzikfest, Ljubljana (Gospodarsko razstavišče)

| 10 slik

Friday was a busy day. All the performing bands gathered at Gospodarsko razstavišče in the late morning to go through the final rehearsal before the evening's reality. Compliments to the stage crew for being so organized! Even the final rehearsal went by without any complications whatsoever. We were even ahead of the schedule.

We took the afternoon time off to have a meal and a short siesta and in the evening we all awaited impatiently the beginning of the show. At 9 PM when the first band was on, the venue was almost full. From the very first sounds of music the audience showed their respect to the legends of Slovene rock and the atmosphere was excellent. Backstage was just the same. Rarely are various musicians so homogenous as they were this Friday. It was great to just sit there and watch the smiling faces. Our time on stage was around 11 PM. We played Neki sladkega and Ring. It went by quickly and smoothly. We recognized some familiar faces from our concerts in the crowd. The last stepped, or rather flew to the stage Big Foot Mama and wrung the audience well in their hour and 15. After the concert there was no lack of fun. It was over, as it should with rockers, in the morning hours. Once again: congratulations to the birthday band and many many more anniversaries like this!