
  • LIVE IMPRESSIONS, 2012-10-20, MÜNCHEN (Garage Deluxe)

    This time we really couldn't avoid hitting all the varieties of fast food joints; we needed something to soak up all the surplus of energy (ok, also beer), which we collectively overdoes on … a bit. And that's how it should be! We put the two together and headed for city center. And hit a major rush hour. The sun and Saturday went well together well. After we reassembled oursevles, we started putting together the stage as well. The stage was really small so we went for the Lego approach, but this held us back a bit. The club wasn't much bigger, so we were looking forward to a packed gig. After the sound check came the big surprise from Ljubljana; our management team with two of our "significant others". This promised an even better evening. As it turned out it was even better than suspected. The crowd was loud, insatiable and foremost – happy. We closed the tour with this gig, filled with satisfaction.

    A major part of this satisfaction and the success of this tour was a really good connection among all members of the crew, who all gave their best. Therefore we'd like to thank Duši and Rope for being our backbone and muscle when we needed them most, thank you Tisa, for a fuck-off-awesome sound (especially in SO36, where you didn't even know that it is a venue renowned for being really hard to make a great sound in), thank you, Vido, for hitting those lights every night and fogging us up the way only you can do it, thank you, Eva, for standing behind our merch stand and selling most of our stock (we closed one eye and let you come back even if there were a few pieces left unsold), thank you, Andraž (Skirca), for unbelievably well performed roll of tour-manager, thank you, Andrej, for overseeing and directing things in the best direction possible, and thank you, Michael, who drove us safely for over 5000 km. Thank you, Pawel, who was with us for most of the tour and made our connection with Poland even stronger. And most of all; thank all of you for coming, your feedback and energy!
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  • LIVE IMPRESSIONS, 2012-10-19, DRESDEN (Puschkin Club)

    We woke up into a warm autumn day in Dresden. Therefore we scattered all over the city before hitting the stage for sound check. We were in no hurry to get back to the venue. Dresden is a beautiful city and we definitely recommend a visit. When we had to head back to the venue we came face to face with the coziest backstage ever and a great service by the local crew. Sound check went through smoothly, with the only exception that most of us wished we could speak German, but luckily we had Rope who was out go-between. And thank gods for that, because waving your hands around doesn't always get the job done. In the evening the music did its own talking. We gave away enough energy to keep the audience away from the bar and to keep them standing in their places till the very last song. They scattered themselves all over the venue as if they were some kind of acoustic elements, but they stuck to their positions with full attention directed to the stage. Well, we only have München ahead of us and we most likely will not sleep on our way there.
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ŽIVI VTISI, 20. 10. 2012, MÜNCHEN (Garage Deluxe)

Jah, tokrat pa res ni šlo brez obiskov vseh možnih junk-food restavracij; z nečim je bilo pač treba popivnati višek pozitivne energije (okej, med drugim tudi piva), ki nam je že kolektivno rahlo lezel čez rob. In prav je tako! To smo združili z obveznim izletom v center. Uh, kakšna gužva. Sonček in sobota sta bila družna, vedno dobrodošla krivca. Po tem, ko smo sestavili sami sebe, smo pričeli sestavljati tudi oder, oz elemente, ki tja, poleg nas, spadajo. T.i. lego-kocka podvig je trajal dlje kot običajno, saj je bil oder res mičken. Niti prizorišče ni bilo dosti večje, smo se pa zato veselili nabasanega kluba. Po tonski vaji nas je nadvse prijetno presenetilobisk iz Ljubljane – naša management ekipa, skupaj z dvema našima boljšima polovicama. Vse skupaj je obetalo še lepši večer. In res, večer je bil naposled celo lepši od vseh obetov. Publika je bila glasna, nenasitna in predvsem srečna. S tem koncertom smo zaključili turnejo  na vrhuncu zadovoljstva.

K zadovoljstvu in uspešnosti je ogromen del prispevala res dobra povezanost vseh v ekipi, ki s(m)o na vsakem koraku v projekt vložili svoj maksimum. Zato hvala Dušiju in Ropetu, ki sta bila hrbtenica in mišice, ko je bilo to najbolj potrebno, hvala Tisi za na-fak-of sound (še posebej v SO36, kjer je bila “pa šta klinac zna šta je to tona i po” situacija), hvala Vidotu, da je nas in vas nabliskal in zadimil tako kot zna samo on, hvala Evi, ki je pogumno stala za merch štantom in prodala skoraj vse, kar je imela na voljo (smo ji pogledali skozi prste in se je lahko vrnila nazaj, čeprav je s sabo prinesla par neprodanih kosov), hvala Andražu (Skirca) za neverjetno dobro izvajanje svoje tour-manager vloge in seveda hvala Andreju, ki je iz daljave skrbno bedel nad celotno zadevo in jo usmerjal v najbolj možno pravo smer. Za varno usmerjanje, oz. krmiljenje vseh 5000 km po cestah, gre zahvala tudi vozniku Michaelu. Hvala Pawlu, ki nas je spremljal dobršen del turneje in pridodal svoje k vezi s Poljsko. Seveda pa srčna hvala tudi vsem obiskovalcem, ves njihov feedback in energijo!