

    We only had to leave Ljubljana and we feel into a warm caress of the autumn sun, which we missed badly for a few days now.  A walk by the seaside was a soulful necessity. There really wasn’t much time for these sort of things in these last few weeks when we are putting the final touches on the new album and DVD. A warm welcome at Karjola restaurant gave us strength and (mostly failed) attempts to produce a crossword puzzle shortened our wait to showtime.
    The gig was tremendous!
    It was exactly what we needed... The energy in the stage was spraying all over the place, the fans went mental and we alongside them. Truly amazing and impressing. Two hours flew by too quickly and Vojna Idej reverberated into a quiet Koper night. A few, photos, signatures and a happy birthday to our very own Duši.

    Koper, till next time!
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    Arena Stožice hosted Alumni club of Faculty of Economics for a day and since our Primož is a graduate  the stories connected. We shook the venue for almost two hours and tried its sound capabilities. We have to say that Primož’s “schoolmates” did a good job and so did the sound. A nice evening passed with some friends in the backstage.
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    14th biennial international festival of theatrical performances for children and youth GOLDEN STICK 2011
    The jury of Golden Stick (Petra Pogorevc, Marko Čeh and dr. Igor Saksida) has seen ten competing theatrical performances selected by Matej Bogataj.
    Their critical evaluation consisted of performances’ individual elements as well as their wholesome message, with special regard to innovation and complexity of their theatrical expression.

    The award for best show as a whole was given to theatrical rock concert performance for children and youth Livingstone’s Last Kiss by Nana Milčinski, Siddharta and Igor Štromajer in production of Anton Podbevšek Theatre.

    Explanation of the jury:
    Theatrical rock concert for children and youth Livingstone’s Last Kiss has skillfully avoided the danger of its written proposition to become just a comment of music or image. It is a wholesome, consistent and suggestive synthesis of speech, sound, image and movement: a dynamic merging of these different poetics into a powerful spectacle that attracts and talks to its audience. Livingstone’s message comes to life and becomes that of the audience; be daring, original and persistent, to search beyond the known limitations.
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    It is becoming obvious that Livingstone can’t stop kissing. You can find the reprise dates below:

    APT, Novo mesto
    October 3, Monday @ 13.00 and 18.00
    October 4, Tuesday @ 10.00 and 12.30

    ZLATA PALIČICA 2011, Ljubljana (Lutkovno gledališče Ljubljana/Dvorana pod zvezdami)
    October 9, Sunday @ 20.00
    October 10, Monday @ 20.00

    CANKARJEV DOM (Linhart hall), Ljubljana
    November 24, Thursday @ 10.00 in 12.00
    November 25, Friday @ 10.00 in 12.00
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Zlata paličica 2011 Zlata paličica 2011


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14. bienalni mednarodni festival igranih predstav za otroke in mlade ZLATA PALIČICA 2011
Strokovna žirija za nagrade festivala Zlata paličica v sestavi Petra Pogorevc, Marko Čeh in dr. Igor Saksida si je ogledala deset tekmovalnih predstav po izboru selektorja Mateja Bogataja.
Kritično je ovrednotila tako posamezne elemente videnih predstav kot celovitost njihove sporočilnosti, posebej pa je bila pozorna na inovativnost in kompleksnost gledališke govorice.

Nagrado za najboljšo predstavo v celoti je prejel gledališki rock koncert za otroke in mladino Livingstonov poslednji poljub Nane Milčinski, Siddharte in Igorja Štromajerja v produkciji
Anton Podbevšek Teatra.

Obrazložitev strokovne žirije:
Gledališki rock koncert za mladino in otroke Livingstonov poslednji poljub se vešče izogne nevarnosti, da bi besedilna predloga v njem učinkovala zgolj kot komentar glasbe ali slike. Je celovita, dosledna in sugestivna sinteza besede, zvoka, podobe in giba; dinamično zlitje raznovrstnih avtorskih poetik v silovit spektakel, ki svoje ciljno občinstvo pritegne in nagovori. Livingstonovo sporočilo v njem oživi in postane gledalčevo: biti drzen, izviren in vztrajen, iskati onkraj znanih meja.