

    2011 is just around the corner and it is more than just another new year for us. It marks the end of the first decade since our debut ID. It is an end of an era that defined us and you all played a huge role in this. And for that we are more than grateful. We tried to portray this in our greeting video and as you will see; 7 years later everything comes in handy.


    So here's to you! All of you!


    Have a good one!


    Yours, Siddharta

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2011 je tik za ovinkom in za nas je veliko več kot samo še eno novo leto. Je leto, ki predstavlja konec prvega destletja od izida našega prvenca ID. Je konec obdobja, ki nas je zaznamovalo in vsi vi ste imeli veliko opraviti s tem. In za to smo vam več kot hvaležni. To smo nekako poskušali predstaviti v naši novoletni čestitki in kot boste opazili sami; 7 let kasneje vse pride prav.


Zato nazdravljamo vam! Vsem vam.


Naj bo nepozabno!


Vaši, Siddharta