
  • Happy New Year 2010!

    We wish you a happy, healthy and successful New Year 2010! May all your wishes come true and let it be a year full of good music!

    As a new year's gift, you can download the live version of Vojna Idej, recorded in Kino Šiška on November 21st 2009.

    Enjoy and rock on!

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  • On-line Saga comes to end

    It's been a few weeks over a year since we started Saga on the internet at www.siol.net/siddharta-saga. A few days ago the last series of photos (from our record release concert in Šiška) ended and with it so did the »Saga project«.

    We would like to take this opportunity and thank our main partner, Telekom Slovenije d.d., who supported us throughout the project. We would also like to thank SiOL, which powered our Saga website, and Planet 9 which powered our mobile Saga.

    But is this the end?
    This question remains to be answered.
    Stay tuned! You rock! You Rule!

    Thank you!

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Končala se je spletna Saga

Minilo je leto in nekaj tednov odkar smo zagnali spletno Sago na www.siol.net/siddharta-saga. Pred nekaj dnevi so se zvrstile zadnje fotografije (z našega promocijskega koncerta v Šiški) in s tem se je končal tudi »Projekt Saga«.

Ob tem bi radi izkoristili priložnost in se zahvalili našemu glavnemu partnerju, Telekom Slovenije d.d., ki nas je podpiral skozi celoten project. Prav tako bi se radi zahvalili SiOL-u, ki je poganjal našo spletno Sago, in Planetu 9, ki je poganjal mobilno različico Sage.

Ampak, je to res konec?
Odgovor na to vprašanje še pride.
Stay tuned! You rock! You Rule!

Hvala vam!