
  • Happy 2008 !

    A merry Christmas and a happy New Year to all!
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  • Albums released

    The release of two »live« albums – the unplugged Izštekani album and the Marathon album – and the opening of the concert photos exhibition by Aleksander Remec was marked by autograph signing and mingling with our fans. It all took place in the Big Bang Giga store, where about 200 of our friends gathered. We gave them each a Marathon poster and autographs if requested. We exchanged a few opinions and stared down a multitude of camera lenses. The surprise of the evening was prepared by members of our very own S.A.M.O. forum, who – right there in the store before all the visitors – performed for us Samo Edini and Orion Lady. There was a bit of stage fright but never mind that... They wished happy birthday to Tomaž and Jani, who celebrated around that time, and of course a happy birthday to the forum itself – it was its 5th year of existence. All the best also from all of us! It was nice to see you all. We really enjoyed it.
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© Siddharta

Izid albumov

Izid dveh »živih« albumov Izštekani in Maraton ter otvoritev razstave koncertnih fotografij Aleksanda Remca smo zabeležili tudi s podpisovanjem in druženjem z našimi fani. Vse skupaj se je dogajalo v prodajalni Big Bang Giga, kjer se je zbralo kakšnih 200 naših prijateljev, katerim smo poklonili maratonski plakat in seveda na željo tudi podpise. Izmenjali smo nekaj mnenj in se nastavljali številnim objektivom. Kot presenečenje večera pa so nam člani S.A.M.O. foruma v zborčku zapeli Samo edini in Orion Lady kar tam sredi trgovine pred vsemi obiskovalci. Malce treme je bilo prisotne, ampak nič za to... Zaželeli so vse najboljše našemu Tomažu in Janiju, ki sta v tistih dneh praznovala rojstni dan in pa seveda samemu forumu, ki je praznoval že 5-letnico obstoja. Vse najboljše tudi z naše strani! Druženje je bilo zelo prijetno in tudi nam v veselje