
  • Breakthru Radio

    Siddharta will be represented with the song Japan on the upcoming DJ Darkside metal/rock radio show. BreakThru Radio (BTR) is devoted to giving a voice to talented, upcoming artists all over the world. At BreakThru Radio the motto is "Music for music lovers".

    The new specialty show will air ALL week 24-hours a day on BreakThru Radio
    www.breakthruradio.com starting January 29th – Feb 4th . What makes this show extra special is the return of the special segment “Hardcore Heaven”!

    All BTR shows are free and no need for signing up to listen. You just have to go to the homepage and click on the “The Darkside” link.
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  • Siddharta live on Radio Hit

    On Friday 19th of January, radio Hit was broadcasting live and also presenting in front of actual live audience with their musical-informational program. What made it interesting is the fact that it all started already at 5:30 in the morning and lasted all until 10:00. The show was aired live from the stage in the sold out theatre, where many Slovene musicians also performed as well. We figured it would be appropriate to show our good will with our performance too, but in order to do that we had to wake up at 7 in the morning already, which is quite unusual for musicians. :) When we arrived to the theatre we had breakfast waiting for us, milk and coffee drinks of course, so we could get started. We prepared Male Roke song for our performance which we did in acoustic version. Audience and Radio Hit of course, received us nicely and thanked us with applause and with that we concluded morning jollification. Since we have never done anything like this, we thought it was interesting, worth the experience and most of all meeting with the rest of the musicians, which was quite usual concerning the early morning hours, having coffee and chatting like "where were you playing last night" and "are you performing anywhere tonight as well"…Greetings to everyone until March, when we start with our spring tour.

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  • Recordings of Ljubljana concert

    We are glad to announce that the recording of the Ljubljana show at Prešernov trg will be aired on Monday, 8th of January at around 22.00 on 2nd program of Slovene national television. Audio recording will be aired a few days later, on Friday, 12th of January on radio Val 202. The detailed schedule will be posted additionally.
    radio Val 202 - Friday, January 12th at 22.30
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  • Happy 2007

    In the year 2007 the band Siddharta wishes you wholeheartedly much fortune, satisfaction and mainly much more good music!

    Our greeting e-card for New Year is in the attachment! Enjoy!
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© Ra Hit

Siddharta v živo na Ra Hit

V petek, 19. 1. 2007 je imel radio HIT nekakšen v živo prenešen, torej tudi pred publiko prikazan, glasbeno-informacijski progam. Zanimivost je ta, da se je vse skupaj začelo že ob 5:30 zjutraj in je trajalo vse tja do 10h. Oddajo so vodili v živo iz odra v razprodanem teatru v Mengšu, v kateri je nastopilo tudi veliko imen slovenske glasbene scene. Tudi nam se je zdelo primerno, da z našim nastopom pokažemo dobro voljo, je pa res da smo se morali zbuditi v petek že kar ob 7h zjutraj, kar pa je za glasbenike zelo nenavadno. :-) Ko smo prispeli na samo prizorišče, nas je čakal topel obrok, seveda mlečni in kavni napitek, da poženemo kri po žilah. Za naš nastop smo pripravili skladbo Male Roke, ki smo jo izvedli v akustični verziji. Publika in pa seveda Radio Hit, so nas lepo sprejeli in se nam zahvalili z aplavzom, tako pa smo to jutranje rajanje tudi zaključili. Ker tega prej še nismo naredili nikoli, se nam je tokrat ta stvar zdela zanimiva, vredna izkušnje in predvsem druženja z ostalimi glasbeniki, ki pa je bilo glede na jutranje ure čisto normalno, ob kavici in debatki alla "kje ste pa učer igral"," a dons ste tud kje"... Lep pozdrav vsem do meseca marca, ko bomo štartali z našo spomladansko turnejo.