
  • Ljubljana Castle

    The official "rehearsal" is behind us. The opening concert of Petrolea tour will make history as the first rock concert at Ljubljana castle! We came back after a year off and we played one of the best concerts ever. Many have said that excellent sound, splendid ambience of the courtyard and clear sky had marked the evening. We do admit that we had a bit of stage fright… to perform new material for first time is never an easy task. Only then you begin to see what material offers, where the deficiencies and the advantages are. There were a lot of you with us at the castle, but it was said that the sound had been heard all across the Ljubljana valley. Anyway, we are looking forward to the upcoming concerts and to see you again!

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  • Petrolea Tour 06 / September

    All free tickets for the gig at Ljubljana Castle have been given away! Lucky winners of the tickets have been notified via e-mail. To the rest, we wish you better luck next time.

    Now it is time to announce the beginning of autumn tour and the first 6 concerts which are about to happen in the month of September.

    15.9. Jesenice - ledena dvorana Podmežakla (Ice-hockey Hall Podmežakla)
    16.9. Ajdovščina - dvorana Police (Police Hall)
    22.9. Domžale - hala kc (KC Hall)
    23.9. Šentjur pri Celju - dvorana Hruševec (Hruševec Hall)
    29.9. Ilirska Bistrica - dvorana OŠ Antona Žnideršiča (Hall of Primary School Anton Žnideršič)
    30.9. Ljutomer - dvorana OŠ Ivana Cankarja (Hall of Primary School Ivan Cankar)

    Tickets are available from Wednesday, 23 August, at all DM – Drogerie Markt stores listed (see below: spisek_dm_trgovin-09.xls), and all sales offices of the Eventim system.

    Sale over the telephone is at number +386 (0)31 349 000.
    Ticket price is 4000SIT (16,69€) in the advance sale and 5000SIT (20,86€) on the day of the concert.*

    *calculated by central parity exchange rate 1€=239,64SIT

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  • Supporting acts for autumn tour

    Siddharta’s preparations for the upcoming opening concert at Ljubljana castle and the tour that will follow are in full swing. Guys are together every day practicing new material. We are announcing the supporting acts for the tour across Slovenia.
    We agreed to collaborate with Leaf-fat, naio ssaion and Tide who will, in turn, warm up the audience before Siddharta enters the stage. Well, the invasion of pure rock’n’roll is about to happen. We are already looking forward…
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  • Beginning of the Slovenian tour

    Two months after Petrolea release it is time to publish the first concert date, which marks the beginning of new series of concerts that will take place in all major Slovenian cities and towns until the end of year.

    Ljubljana castle will be scene of a special concert on Thursday, the 31st of August. The tickets will not be on sale. Siddharta will distribute them among visitors of their official board (S.A.M.O.) and thus thank them for their support in a special way.

    All those that will not manage to take part at this concert can already look forward to the upcoming concert tour. The dates will soon be announced on Siddharta's web page.

    But how to qualify for the special concert?

    All registered users of the official board that would like to come to the concert should send their full name, address, date of birth and user name or member number to this e-mail: fan@siddharta.net. All those not registered yet, should register first and then send the above required data. We reserve the right of selection of the invited until all places will be occupied. All prizewinners, who get free invitations for the concert, will be notified via e-mail. They will identify themselves on the day of the concert with an identity card (or any personal document), which will have to match the data from the e-mail application.

    See you!

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Pričetek slovenske koncertne turneje

Dva meseca po izidu albuma ‘Petrolea’ je čas, da objavimo prvi koncertni datum, ki oznanja začetek nove serije koncertov, ki bodo potekali do konca letošnjega leta po vseh večjih slovenskih mestih.

Ljubljanski grad bo tako v četrtek, 31. 08., prizorišče posebnega koncerta, za katerega karte ne bodo v redni prodaji, temveč jih bo Siddharta razdelila med obiskovalce svojega spletnega foruma (S.A.M.O.) in se jim tako na svojevrsten način zahvalila za njihovo dosedanjo podporo.

Vsi, ki se koncerta ne bodo uspeli udeležiti, pa se že lahko veselijo prihajajoče koncertne turneje, katere datumi bodo objavljeni v kratkem na Siddhartini spletni strani.

Kako se prijaviti?

Vse registrirane uporabnike uradnega foruma, ki bi si želeli priti na koncert, naj na naslov fan@siddharta.net pošljejo svoje ime in priimek, naslov, datum rojstva in uporabniško ime oziroma številko na forumu. Vsi tisti, ki še niso registrirani, se morajo najprej prijaviti in potem poslati zgoraj zahtevane podatke. Pridržujemo si pravico izbiranja povabljenih do zasedenih prostih mest. Vsi nagrajenci, ki bodo dobili brezplačno vabilo za koncert, bodo obveščeni po elektronski pošti. Na dan koncerta se bodo nagrajenci izkazovali z osebnim dokumentom, ki se morajo ujemati s podatki iz elektronske prijavnice.

Se vidimo!