
  • Exit 06

    We left Ljubljana on Thursday at midnight to head for the eagerly anticipated gig at the Exit festival on 7th July, scheduled at 19.00.
    The route to Novi Sad was well known to us because we had already played there: last year on the Tuborg stage (second biggest festival stage).
    Exit festival is one of the biggest, if not the biggest festival in this part of Europe. It connects us musicians at the Petrovaradin Fortress; it has over 20 stages with various musical styles, everything from electronic acts to basic rock’n’roll bands.
    Our appearance this year was on the main stage. We started off as the first perfoming band at 19.00. The performance was in accordance with the time. We have to mention the audience last year was larger as we performed at a later time in the night when there were more people present at the festival. For this reason we would have liked to play a bit later on when a crowd of thousands gathered. However, the concert itself was very well carried out. We think we threw a good party for the audience, which was noticeable in the reactions we got from it.
    For us it was a great opportunity to play again after a really long time and we enjoyed ourselves tremendously. We also performed two songs from our latest album. We will perform more of the songs from “Petrolea” on our upcoming tour in autumn and winter, which we all are very much looking forward to.
    Siddharta wishes you a great summer. Take time to relax so you’ll have enough energy for our concerts. We’re looking forward to seeing you there!
    See you in September!

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Exit 06

| 15 pictures
Odhod na težko pričakovani špil na Exit festivalu, v petek 7.7. ob 19h, je bil točno ob polnoči v četrtek zvečer.
Pot do Novega Sada nam je že znana, saj smo na Exit festivalu prvič nastopili lansko leto, na Tuborg odru (drugi največji oder tega festivala).
Exit festival je eden, če ne kar največji festival v tem delu Evrope, s tem pa nas vse glasbenike povezuje na sami petrovaradinski trdnjavi, katera ima več kot 20 prizorišč z različnimi zvrstmi glasbe, se pravi od elektronske, do čisto primarne rokenrol zasedbe.
Naš letošnji nastop je bil na glavnem odru. Začeli smo ga, kot prvi bend, torej ob 19h. Temu primeren je bil tudi obisk. Naj omenimo, da smo lansko leto imeli precej več poslušalcev, namreč igrali smo v urah ko je ljudi največ. Tako, da si v bistvu naslednjič želimo igrati morda nekoliko kasneje, ko se nabere več tisoč glava množica ljudi. Vsekakor pa je bil ta koncert zelo dobro odigran, mislimo, da smo folku naredil zelo dober žur, kar pa je bilo očitno glede na njihove odzive.
Sami pa smo res po dolgem času imel priliko igrati in smo tudi zelo uživali. Zaigrali smo tudi dva komada iz nove plošče, več pa jih bomo zaigrali na jesensko-zimski turneji, katero nestrpno pričakujemo že prav vsi.
Siddharta vam želi, da se preko poletja dobro spočijete, da boste imeli dovolj energije tud na naših koncertih, na katerih vas že z veseljem pričakujemo!
Torej na snidenje v septembru!