
  • Plastika on MTV Europe

    Siddharta, with their latest album "Petrolea", continues quality video production marked by the first video for the song "Plastika". After Plastika's midnight premiering in the beginning of June, it keeps on exciting old and new fans of the group. It will hit the central MTV Adria's chart “Adria Top 20” on the 1st of July.

    Furthermore, Siddharta's musical charge was also recognized on regional MTV's branch MTV Europe which covers an area of numerous, mainly European, countries (amongst those Belarus, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Israel, Luxembourg, Malta, Slovakia, Moldavia, Turkey and Ukraine). Plastika will hit the World Chart Express as new entry this Saturday, the 1st of July, representing Slovenia at place number 9. The show premieres on MTV Europe on Saturday at 9.00CET (reruns on Sunday at 19.00CET and on Friday at 17.00CET). After videos "Rave", "My Dice" and "T.H.O.R.", Siddharta thus successfully continues appearing in the foreign media.
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  • BSplayer - Play with me

    Tomorrow the group Siddharta will start the collaboration with a multimedia player BSplayer. BSplayer is an internationally acknowledged brand which is launching a new version of programme intended for managing and playing multimedia contents (music, video, TV, radio, live-streaming, web cast, etc.) on the market. For the purpose of its promotion, Siddharta has arranged a chorus of the first single from their new album and named it Play with me. With this, the music of Siddharta will be presented to millions of users all over the world and thus helping them with the international recognition.
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  • Plastika on radio and tv stations

    Those that won't be able to join us at the party in Cvetličarna / Media park, will be able to hear our first single from the album Petrolea - Plastika on these radio stations:

    Antena, Belvi, Brežice, Capris, Celje, Center, Energy, Fantasy, Gorenc, Hit, Koroški radio, Kranj, Kum - Trbovlje, Lasser, Maribor, Max, MMR, Moj radio, Morje, Murski val, Orion, Poslovni val, Prlek - Ormož, Prvi program, Ptuj, Rai (Slovene program) RA Trst, Redox, RGL, Robin, Rogla, Salomon, RA SLO prvi program, Slovenia International, Slovenske Gorice, Sora, Studio D, Šport, Triglav - Jesenice, Univox, Urban and Val 202. The new video will be played at midnight on MTV Adria and on Čarli TV right after that.

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Izžrebali smo prve potnike na trening varne vožnje!

Računalnik je opravil svoje – izžrebali smo prvih deset nagrajencev, ki so svoje znanje preverili prek vprašalnika s področja varne vožnje. 18. junija se bodo z AMZS-jem v družbi Siddharte popeljali v avstrijski St. Veit, kjer se bodo z vozili Mitsubishi Colt CZT spopadli z nevarnimi cestnimi razmerami. Vas zanima, če ste med njimi?
31. maja 2006 se je zaključil prvi sklop preverjanja znanja v Svetovalnici za varno vožnjo. Prvi vprašalnik je za nami. Prva stopnja znanja osvojena.
Računalniško smo izžrebali nagrajence, ki se bodo 18.6.2006 v avstrijskem St. Veitu udeležili praktičnega usposabljanja na treningu varne vožnje. Med 743 obiskovalci, ki ste izpolnili vprašalnik, je računalnik izžrebal naslednje:
  1. Bojan Repič
  2. Jelka Mikulič Škufca
  3. Marko Šori
  4. Peter Rudolf
  5. David Nastran
  6. Benjamin Resnik
  7. Denis Obrovnik
  8. Nina Poš
  9. Neža Kralj
  10. Anže Jereb
 Nagrajenci se boste 18. junija 2006 v družbi Siddharte udeležili treninga, ki ga bodo izvedli profesionalni, mednarodno certificirani inštruktorji AMZS-ja. O vseh podrobnostih odhoda in treninga samega vas bomo obvestili po pošti.
Vsem ostalim se zahvaljujemo za sodelovanje v žrebanju ter vas vabimo, da svoje znanje spopadete z naslednjim izzivom – od 20. septembra do konca tega leta bo na straneh na voljo nov vprašalnik, z izpolnitvijo katerega se lahko uvrstite v drugo žrebanje za praktično usposabljanje na treningu varne vožnje. Vabljeni!