
  • Week 8

    When making a new album there's much more to be done than just recording the music for the release to be a full package. Therefore last week was the time for the official photo shoot. With the help of our old friends Luka Kaše and Saša Hes various different sets of photos were made in two days. The first reviews were satisfying.

    During the Easter holidays we were supposed to make the video but sadly we had to postpone it due to technical difficulties and lack of time. But we've already set an alternative date and put all fears aside.

    The other half of the week was spent in the studio, adding the finishing touches to the arrangements. It's going to be great...
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  • Photo session

    We just can't seem to be able to find the time to unwind these days. As soon as we had returned from the Novo mesto studio, we set out for a photo session. We entrusted two photographers with the task this time: Luka Kaše, who we visited on Monday, and Saša Hes of the Amater studio, where we spent our Tuesday.

    The photos will be used for the promotion of our new album. But there are some raw samples just for you already in the

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  • Week 7

    We started the week in Ljubljana. There were some errands that required our presence. So we went back to our work only on Wednesday, rested and full of energy. And it showed pretty well in our next days' efficiency. Beautiful weather and the woods around the studio offered an extra creative stimulant.

    And we're going home for the holidays...
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  • Week 6

    Apart from our regular studio work this week we had a special task. On Wednesday we had a visit in the studio from the winners of our little contest. They learned about our studio work, heard the rough mixes of the new songs and got answered their questions... under close watch of MTV Adria's camera. Bojana and Simon thus had to prove themselves as TV hosts as well... there was a little bit of stage fright. In the recording room they kept company to Tomaž, who was working on his part in a song, which poured in him some extra encouragement.

    To rest our ears after hearing one and the same music over and over again (while recording one listens to one and the same track tens of times a day) we went to a Dan D concert in one of the clubs in Novo mesto. It did us good...
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  • Week 5

    After Jure Košir's party in Kranjska Gora we returned to the studio in Novo mesto. We are currently working on the guitar and keyboard arrangements and so not to have only shredding on the album, there'll be some sax too.

    Our studio time is from noon to midnight every day, with some time off for lunch and relaxation in between. We occasionally see a good movie or two, TV series such as Joey, The Simpsons and The Office. A massage does a lot of good. Literally.

    This week we've started with the vocals and the back vocals, slowly bringing our music together to one piece.

    Among other things this week we'll have a visit in the studio from our fans. We'll show them around, have them see how and what we do there. They'll be able to tell you more about that themselves. Until then, keep enjoying the springtime awakening.

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© MTV Adria

Teden 6

Poleg običajnega dela v studiu smo ta teden imeli še posebno nalogo. V sredo sta nas namreč obiskala izžrebanca našega mini tekmovanja in predstavili smo jima studijsko delo, grobe mixe novih komadov in odgovarjali na njuna vprašanja... vse to pa je zabeležila kamera MTV Adrie. Bojana in Simon sta se morala tako izkazati tudi kot TV voditelja... malce treme je pač bilo prisotne. V snemalnici sta delala družbo Tomažu, ki je snemal svoj del pri enem od komadov in mu s tem vlivala še dodatno motivacijo.

Da smo si malce spočili ušesa od ene in iste glasbe (pri snemanju namreč poslušaš ene in iste komade tudi po več desetkrat na dan), smo konec tedna obiskali koncert skupine Dan D v enem od novomeških klubov. Je bilo koristno...