
  • MTV EMA 2005, Lisbon

    Our trip began at 7 Monday morning from our base camp (rehearsal place). From there we set off for Venice in our cars, from where at 12:30 we flew off to Lisbon. We landed at 2 PM local time (3 PM Slovenia time) and we settled in our hotel right in the centre of Lisbon and a good hour later we were already strolling through the old town. A whole day's stroll ended in a Halloween celebration in Hard Rock Cafe acroos the street from our hotel.

    We took the next day as well to see a few of the town's sights and to do some shopping. In the evening hours we went to check out the venue in Pavilhao Atlantico. We took a closer look at the grand hall, the stage, the event preparations, the soundcheck and the backstage area with big names on the doors. We did a few interviews and genuinely enjoyed our every minute spent there.

    The last day before the event we met the band Leeloojamais and in a relaxed atmosphere spent with them a pleasant evening exchanging our impressions and feelings about the nomination.

    On Thursday at 5 PM the long-awaited evening began. The MTV music awards show. All ran smoothly and very professionally. Each of the nominees had their own five minutes of fame on the red carpet and ours began at 6 PM. We'd never seen that many reporters and flashlights in one place before. Though we walked in there as an unknown band, at that point we felt like big stars. We were photographed every step of our way and... it was amazing! Before the event we had a few interviews and we met big stars such as Madonna, Serj Tankian (System Of A Down), Foo Fighters, and others.

    We had no knowledge of the exact schedule, we didn't know when our nomination was on so we just relaxed and enjoyed Borat's hosting and the performances of Green Day, Coldplay, the Black Eyes Peas, the Pussycat Dolls... live. And when time came for the official announcement of the award in our category, we were like in a trance. The feelings were indescribable. Joy. We got our first MTV award!

    We would like to take this opportunity to once again thank all who gave us your vote and helped make these unforgettable memories. THANK YOU!!!

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  • Siddharta win MTV EMA

    Within MTV's annual European Music Awards show, Siddharta have won the award for best music performer in the territory of MTV Adria. The fan-voted award was presented to the band in Lisbon, the location of this year's show.

    The excited band says that the mere nomination was a great honour in itself but receiving the award has placed a new milestone on their music journey. Siddharta give their regards to all who by giving them your vote made this possible and they promise in no way to rest on their laurels and that there is plenty of fresh Siddharta music yet to come.

    When the band returns from Portugal, a report on the awards show will be published and of course the indispensable video.

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© Siddharta

MTV EMA 2005, Lizbona

| 50 pictures
Pot se je začela v ponedeljek ob 7.00 zjutraj iz baznega tabora (plac za vaje). Od tam smo se z avtomobili odpravili do Benetk, kjer smo imeli ob 12.30 direktni let do Lizbone. Pristali smo ob 14.00 po lokalnem času (15.00 po slovenskem), se nastanili v hotelu v centru Lizbone in čez dobro urico že raziskovali stari del mesta. Po celodnevnem sprehajanju smo zvečer v Hard Rock Cafe-ju nasproti našega hotela ob pivu praznovali noč čarovnic.

Naslednji dan smo prav tako namenili ogledom parih znamenitosti v mestu in seveda nakupovanju ter se zvečer prvič odpravili na kraj dogodka v Pavilhao Atlantico. Tam smo si od blizu ogledali veliko dvorano, oder, priprave na prireditev, tonske vaje in backstage z zvenečimi imeni na vratih, opravili nekaj intervjujev in uživali v vsaki minuti, ki smo jo preživeli tam.

Zadnji dan pred prireditvijo, smo se dobili s skupino Leeloojamais in v sproščenem vzdušju ter izmenjavi vtisov in občutkov ob nominaciji preživeli prijeten večer.

V četrtek ob 17:00 pa se je začel težko pričakovani večer. Podelitev MTV glasbenih nagrad. Vse je potekalo brez zapletov in zelo profesionalno. Vsak od nominirancev je imel svojih pet minut na rdeči preprogi in naših pet minut se je začelo ob 18:00. Toliko novinarjev na enem mestu in toliko bliskavic nismo doživeli še nikoli. Čeprav smo prišli tja kot neznana skupina, smo se takrat počutili kot velike zvezde. Fotografirali so vsak naš korak in ... bilo je res neverjetno. Pred samim dogodkom smo naredili še nekaj intervjujev in se srečali z velikimi zvezdami kot so Madonna, Serj Tankian (System Of A Down), Foo Fighters, ...

Točnega urnika oziroma kdaj je na vrsti naša nominacija nismo vedeli, zato smo se sprostili in uživali ob napovedovanju Borata in nastopih Green Day, Coldplay, Black Eyed Peas, Pussycat Dolls, . . . v živo. In ko je napočil čas uradne razglasitve nagrade v naši kategoriji, smo bili kot v transu. Nepopisni občutki, veselje, dobili smo svojo prvo MTV nagrado!

Ob tej priložnosti bi se radi še enkrat zahvalili vsem, ki ste glasovali za nas in nam s tem pričarali nepozabne spomine. HVALA!!!