
  • SRF

    Siddharta's song Insane has been presented the Slovenian Radio Festival (SRF) award as over 40 Slovenian radio stations' music editors agreed it was the best of the best.

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  • Be creative...

    While we are taking time off to make new plans, you are invited to join in on an interesting project: creating artwork of any kind, as long as it has to do with the theme of Siddharta.
    Jure Vukovič has sent us an Rh- wallpaper.
    You are welcome to send in anything from wallpapers, skins, icons, ecards... anything that comes to your mind. The only condition is that it sticks to the theme and does not exceed the size of 5 MB.
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© Siddharta

Srečno novo leto 2004

Srečno novo leto!
