

    We went to a place where we weren’t for quite some time. For too long, we might say. We remembered Brežice after their YC, which got restored in the meanwhile. And we can say, with a hint of envy, that it has evolved into one of the most beautiful and best clubs in Slovenia. The club turned into a small venue with the capacity of approx. 400 and all the necessary infrastructure, backstage, bar and even a hostel. Great job! The welcome was warm, great organization from DBŠ, dinner in Gostilna Racman and the most important thing – our friends in front of the stage! Thank you all for a great night!
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  • LIVE IMPRESSIONS, 2012-02-10, TRST

    We are writing these impressions of our Trst concert on our way to the Brežice gig.
    As it happened to apply to the whole of the previous week, Friday was also extremely windy. Red alert and temperatures below zero. Nevertheless, we were warmly greeted in Slovensko stalno gledališče in Trst. We were all positively surprised about the venue and we expected a great gig. We weren’t wrong. We rocked the theatre to a degree where light bulbs started falling off the chandelier and “joined” the crowd below. We hope we’ll se each other soon!
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ŽIVI VTISI, 17. 2. 2012, BREŽICE

| 56 pictures | 1 video
Spet smo obiskali kraj, v katerem nismo bili že kar lep čas. Predolgo bi lahko rekli. Brežice smo si zapomnili po njihovem MC-ju, ki pa so ga v tem času prenovili. In z ljubljansko zavistjo lahko rečemo, da imajo Brežice enega lepših in boljših klubov v Sloveniji. Njihov MC je zrasel v super dvoranico za cca 400 ljudi, z vso pripadajočo infrastrukturo, backstagem, lokalčkom in celo hostlom. Bravo! Tudi gostoljubje je bilo pravšnje, super organizacija DBŠ-ja, pojedina v Gostilni Racman in pa najpomembnejše - naši prijatelji pod odrom! Hvala za lep večer!