Vienna / AT
Read moreWe arrived in Vienna in the late morning hours, which gave us plenty of time to get ready for the evening show. We played at the Planet Music club, which has the capacity of about 800 people. Everything ran smoothly. The show started at about 10PM, after the shows of two Austrian bands. The hall filled nicely and we must not forget to mention our loyal fans, who showed up in a good number. The atmosphere was accordingly great as almost the whole hall sang along with us. The energy flow was amazing and we ended the show with an encore as usual. We spent a couple of hours partying with our friends but then we had to leave for Ljubljana. Our driver Rok did a great job at getting us home fast.
Kresnice near Litija
Read moreOn Friday afternoon we set off to Kresnice, where we played that night. After arrival as our gear was being set up, we freshened up in the near-by cottage. Sound check is always fun. It usualy takes about an hour to plug everything in and take care of the sound on stage. Tisa pays attention to our comments and gives her suggestions while the rest of the guys from our team listen in or take care of things for the show, i.e. set up the instruments, draw the cables, put up the logo sign behing our drummer and last but not least they set up our merchandise corner in a place where it can be easily reached. Yes, all this is what our staff does – we could never do all this ourselves. After the concert we took a shower and moved on to Austria.
Read moreWe set off for Radenci at noon sharp. The ride was quite a long one, but it gave us some rest time. There was a marathon in Radenci, the 27th annual race of all generations. It was all of these who united again in the evening for the show we prepared. There were about 8 thousand people there, the atmosphere was amazing, it was a beautiful evening. Even the clear sky lay down an ear to listen in on our music. After the show we took a quick shower in the near-by hotel and drove off to Ljubljana. It was in the morning hours when we bid our farewells and were off to our own beds. Sunday was up next, a day to rest and relax.
Read moreBrežice's Youth Club was a new proof of the club scene in Slovenia being very well up and about. They even have a monthly schedule of events! We started the show around 11 PM in the room overcrowded with youth and overflown with the energy which took us through the show, all the way to 1 AM when we were over with our show. The feel of the show was fantastic. The room was hot hot... We had the journey to Radenci planned for the next day so we took off for Ljubljana as soon as possible. Our driver proved himself once again and got us home safe and sound in just two hours. It was a great evening but ended in a sleep not that long...
It took us a drive past Novo mesto, through Metlika to get in the heart of Bela Krajina, Črnomelj, where on the banks of the Lahinja the MKK club is located. The club hosts around 200 people and the show was sold out almost instantly. We got on around 11 PM and kept rocking for a good two hours. The crowd seemed pleased and besides we hadn't played in the club for 8 years. The usual mingling with our fans took place in front of the club this time. We returned to Ljubljana in early morning hours to get some necessary rest. See you again next weekend!Read more
Read moreThrough the town of Horjul our way led us to the beautiful greenery of Žiri. Close to the venue was a garden where we freshened up with a drink before the sound check. We had dinner served by lovely waitresses who had a remarkable feature indeed: while waiting the tables they whistle with high spirits. We got down to the show at around 10 PM in the overcrowded hall. It was hot in Žiri, both on stage and before it -- we were all wet in a flash! The crowd was fabulous and greeted us very nicely; in return we gave them an all-night party. We returned home in Ljubljana a little earlier than usual, which gave us a few extra hours of sleep.
The Male Roke EP UPDATE
We would like to inform you that the EP for the Male Roke will be available from Monday, 14th of May 2007 in all slovene music stores.Read more -
Male Roke EP
Along with the latest video we are introducing an EP for Male Roke. The CD will include the original album track Male Roke, a song that was written in collaboration with Dan D called Male Roke / Voda and four live tracks recorded last month in Mostovna club (Male Roke, Plastika, Domine and Homo Carnula). The Ep will be available from Friday, May 11th, in Big Bang shops in a set with the album Petrolea.Read more -
Murska Sobota
Read moreWe arrived in Murska Sobota at about 4 PM. The venue was in a castle and as we had almost 2 hours of spare time on our hands before sound check we spent it strolling through the park surrounding the castle and indulging in a coffee. After sound check we had dinner, typical of Prekmurje, the region where Murska Sobota is located, not skipping dessert of course – gibanica, a delicious layered cake, which might literally be translated as "over Mura moving cake". We were taken good care of in Prekmurje, so our payback was a great two-hour concert. At the beginning the crowd seemed a bit reluctant but we well burnt the ground below their feet and brought the gig to an euphoric ending, intertwined with Vlado Kreslin's song Od Višine Se Zvrti. The crowd loved it and for us it was a perfect conclusion of the weekend. Murska Sobota, it was great, you are one of a kind!
For the first time in over 10 years of Siddharta's public performance were we forced to cancel a show last Friday in Hrastnik. The show in the Dol cinema hall had been sold out but the technical incompliance brought about by the massive rain in the prior days raised serious doubts in the safety of the band, our gear and last but not least the quality of the show itself.Read more
We would like to express our deepest regret about the situation and any inconvenience it might have brought on. In case we manage to set an alternative date for the cancelled show in Hrastnik, we will announce it on www.siddharta.net immediately. -
Male Roke Video
On Friday, May 4th, at 5pm we will be premiering our latest video for Male Roke on our website. It's the third video from album Petrolea, however it's the first ballad. The video was directed by Dafne Jemeršič. The shooting took place in halls and hallways of Ljubljana Castle and beside members of Siddharta the actors are some familiar faces...will you recognize them? You can also watch the video on TV Slovenija (Lestvica na drugem) and within next week on every other TV station.Read more
Just for the visitors of our website we have prepared a short »making of« video. Enjoy!