
  • Concert in Kranjska Gora

    Both for Pokal Vitranc World Cup and us this was the first time music and sports joined hands. At the very beginning of the concert preparations we knew already this one was going to be something special. Special for sports, skiing and Pokal Vitranc, special for music and Siddharta, special for all, fans and non-fans who visited the concert. This is how it was...
    We arrived in Kranjska Gora late Friday night, it was freezing outside so we just rushed into our hotel-rooms. The first view through the window got us in a good mood: the ski slope and under in the lit-up stage. We took a short while to check the room where we were to prepare for the concert the next day and to which we brought our equipment before we snuggled in bed.
    There was a delay in the morning which allowed us to take time and watch the second run of the giant slalom, unfortunately only on TV. After the race, when we had performed the sound check, we could hardly wait for the clock to show 5:30 when our concert started.
    It was 10 degrees below zero and both we on stage as over 7,000 spectators warmed our bodies during the an hour and 15 minutes long concert singing and jumping. After the concert we were awarded with a grand applause. The view from the stage at that point was magnificent.
    It is amazing to perform open-air, in the middle of winter at freezing temperature and before that huge a crowd. We could tell that people missed something else beside the ski race and that was the fun, which we helped provide. We hope to do it again.

    P.S. We watched the race again the next day and cheered for our skiers. It was exciting, even more so because we were there, under the slopes in the finish arena.

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© X-plosion of fun

Koncert v Kranjski Gori

| 7 pictures
Tako za pokal Vitranc kot za nas je bilo to prvo združevanje glasbe in športa. Že pri pogovorih in pripravah na koncert smo vedeli, da bo to nekaj posebnega. Nekaj posebnega za šport, samo smučanje in pokal Vitranc, nekaj posebnega za glasbo, za Siddharto in nekaj posebnega za vse ljudi, fane in ne fane, ki so bili na tem koncertu. Začelo pa se je...
V Kranjsko Goro smo prispeli v noči s petka na soboto, mraz je ravno dosegel svoj vrhunec, zato smo odhiteli v hotelske sobe, kjer nas je v dobro voljo spravil že prvi pogled skozi okno hotelske sobe. Pred nami je bilo smučišče in pod smučiščem osvetljeni oder. Na hitro smo si ogledali še sobo za pripravo pred koncertom, kamor smo prenesli tudi vso opremo in se odpravili v posteljo.
Naslednji dan je prišlo do časovnega zamika urnika, tako da smo si lahko v miru ogledali tudi drugi tek tekme veleslaloma, a le po televiziji. Po tekmi smo opravili tonsko vajo in že nestrpno pričakovali 17:30, ko se je začel koncert.
Pod odrom se je pri –10oC zbralo več kot 7000 ljudi. V 1:15 minutnem koncertu smo si tako mi kot obiskovalci s petjem in skakanjem ogrevali telesa vse do zadnjega komada, ko so nas nagradili z bučnim aplavzom. Razgled z odra je bil takrat res fantastičen.
Občutek igrati na prostem, sredi zime pri nizkih temperaturah, pred tako številčno publiko, je neverjeten. Videlo se je, da ljudje poleg tekme pogrešajo še nekaj. In to je zabava, za katero smo poskrbeli tudi mi. Upamo, da se bo to še kdaj ponovilo.

P.S.: Tudi naslednji dan smo si ogledali tekmo in navijali za naše smučarje. Bilo je bolj razburljivo, saj smo bili tam v živo pod strmino v ciljni areni.