
  • One year of Rh-

    It has been a year to the day since Siddharta released their third studio album 'Rh-', which was sold in both Slovenian and English versions. The latter was a limited edition and was packed in a bloodbag; it was sold out in a matter of days.
    During this last year Siddharta have achieved and surpassed many an important goal and have won several awards, e.g. the Viktor award for Band of the Year, the Viktor award for Special Achievements, the Slovenian Radio Festival award (best song by the choice of radio editors: Insane) and the highest possible recognition of sales in Slovenia, the Diamond Record, for over 25,000 copies of 'Rh-' sold. The bloodbag packaging itself is not far behind on the awards list. It has won the Golden Drum Silver Drumstick and the Slovenian Advertising Festival Grand award. The Magdalena Festival awarded it the Golden Bra award for creativity. Lately it has been entered into the Cresta designer and advertising awards program shortlist of finalists.
    Until now the album has produced three singles (Rave, Insane, and T.H.O.R.), which all met an outstanding response from the listeners and for which Siddharta have made videos, which have also been shown on some foreign TV stations.
    The band of course is not standing still. In the next few weeks Rh-'s fourth single will swarm radio stations. A video for it has already been made and will soon be up for viewing at the band's web page www.siddharta.net.
    In addition, the great Ljubljana concert anniversary is approaching, which the band is about to celebrate in a thoroughly exceptional way.
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  • Siddharta live

    In the almost 10-year-long history of Siddharta announcing the band's concerts / performances or merely appearances at certain events without prior final agreement has oftentimes been abused by the event promoters or their agents. By doing that, they undertook actions with which at the expense of Siddharta they were unfairly provided with additional sponsors and moreover they mislead Siddharta's fans and listeners by advertising bogus performances.
    We would like to once again remind our fans that the up-to-date announcements of all our events and concerts can be found on our web page www.siddharta.net.
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  • Bloodbag makes it to the Cresta short-list

    Siddharta's special-edition CD bloodbag package has been entered to the Cresta short-list of finalists. Cresta is the world's toughest and most prestigious designer and advertising awards program and if the bloodbag, designed by Sašo Dornik and the Ventilator group, wins this award, it will be its fourth, probably the highest possible award for his highly creative packaging design.
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© Siddharta

Siddharta v živo

V danes že skoraj 10-letni zgodovini skupine Siddharta je bilo najavljanje skupine bodisi za koncert / nastop ali samo za pojavljanje na določeni prireditvi brez predhodnega dokončnega dogovora že večkrat izkoriščano s strani organizatorja ali njegovih agentov. S tem so si na nepošten način poleg zagotavljanja dodatnih sponzorjev na račun skupine Siddharta privoščili tudi zavajanje fanov in poslušalcev skupine z lažnim reklamiranjem našega nastopa.
Vsem privržencem skupine Siddharta še enkrat sporočamo, da so vsi naši dogodki in koncerti vedno in pravočasno, ponavadi tik po podpisu pogodbe, objavljeni na uradni strani skupine www.siddharta.net.