Europa XXL festival cancelled
Read moreDue to a tragic accident, in which the bass player of the Latvian band Brainstorm was killed, the Europa XXL festival, which was to be held in Duisburg, Germany on 13th June, has been cancelled.
Siddharta wish to express their deepest condolences to Brainstorm for the sad loss.
On-line store
Read moreNew to our web page: an online shop selling all our CDs, T-shirts and posters through the “mimo vrste” system. Our products can now be bought from anywhere, charged on your credit card and delivered by DHL to your door anywhere around the world.
Click on 'Store'
Bloodbag wins yet another award
Read moreThis year's Magdalena, international festival of creative communications, that took place in Maribor, Slovenia, recognized Siddharta's Rh- blood bag unique design.The international jury awarded the design perfection with the first prize in the category of Other means of communication, Golden bra award. Sašo Dornik and the Ventilator group that produced the Rh- limited edition package, therefore place another award on their shelves. Accompanied by the Golden drum's Silver drumstick award and the Slovene advertising festival Grand Prix award it will be an additional motive for their future creative surpluses.
Golden bra -
Concert in Zagreb (CRO)
Read moreThe long-awaited Tvornica, a spot Ljubljana can only dream of. May this dream finally come true!A magnificent view from the stage on the auditorium. Semicircular in shape. No intimacy-providing dividing barriers under it. The curtains promising a good sound. The lights set on calm when enjoying and on wild when shaking. The only thing missing was the crowd – who and how many.Off to the stage, Rh- poured into Japan and into two hours of stirring the feelings of our Slovene and more and more dedicated Croatian listeners. All for us, for others three quarters of the crowd. Right up to the bis, to the Apocalypse in tension and heat.After the concert a pleasant surprise from our S.A.M.O. fans: a cake with Nord album motif on the sides. Some sort of quasi-separation of the fans and the band soon ended up in a common mingling and autograph-signing in the auditorium, handily transformed into a dance floor.A concert is never merely our own, we craft it together – we on stage and you under it. Bravo. Thank you.
Concert in Mursko Središče (CRO)
Read moreThis was Siddhartas first Rh- appearance in Croatia. A crowd of over 1,500 exceeded our expectations, which ultimately grew to the atmosphere we were used to at home in Slovenia.
The presence of our devoted Slovene fans added to many a chorus being backed up by the audience. This left an imprint even better with our southern neighbours. After a long time a slot in the almost two-hour-long concert opened for Stipe.
The concert was for us generally a good start and a positive push in the promotion of our music outside our homeland.
Concert in Prague (CZ)
Read moreWe took off at 4 AM. Normally this is the time we return from our gigs but on that night it was when we left. It meant we had a long way ahead of us. And we did.
We arrived in Prague at 4 PM and it took us another hour to find our hotel. We took a quick shower and left for the venue, which was on one of the ten islands on the Vltava River.
At 8 PM we had an hour's time to prepare for the concert, including setting up the stage equipment and at 9 our music broke out in full. We played 13 numbers, mostly from the Rh- and Nord albums. The concert was – as usual – an energetic one and I believe convincing enough for all who came to hear us play despite the rain.
After the concert we took some time to see the sights of Prague but soon we were off to bed and on the next morning on our way back to Ljubljana.

Concert in Zagreb (CRO)
| 13 picturesA concert is never merely our own, we craft it together – we on stage and you under it. Bravo. Thank you.