
  • Concert in Maribor – #2

    Štuk is one of those halls we always love to return to for the great atmosphere and sound but most of all for the audience of high spirits, which once again gave us strong support.
    This time we put emphasis on our older songs, which had been altered a bit in the last few weeks and given new life. We feel Thursday's concert was a bit more relaxed, Friday's a bit more perfected as the technical part and the sound goes.
    In expectation of the concerts to come...

    Rock on!

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  • Concert in Maribor – #1

    On Thursday 25th November we left Ljubljana for our mini tour of five concerts across Slovenia, starting in Maribor. The five concerts are mostly dedicated to our dearest (our fans), whom we give credit for making Siddharta what it is today – for helping the band's door to the world's music industry open.
    Our first concert took place at Štuk, Maribor and it was sensational. When after almost a year of no performances before domestic audience you step on stage again, you realize how much it really means to you. And then you see a room full of people who are there just to hear you. The concert thus turns into a party, perfect, almost magical, on and off stage.
    The almost two and a half hour long concert filled us with the energy to party on with our dearest fans until late night hours and into the next morning, packed with excitement about the evening concert, once again at Štuk.
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  • Concert in Poland

    We departed from Ljubljana at 2 PM on Friday and we were in for a long trip. As usual another movie marathon made it endurable: we saw as many as six films. Some gave up and fell asleep in between, some kept up to the end. Perhaps we never thought the journey would take that long after all.
    We arrived in Zabrze at 4 o'clock on Saturday morning. Most of us took a nap, the rest went for a short walk. For all it was but a short break. We got up at half past 9, had breakfast and at noon we were on our way to the Home of Music and Dance. On entering the hall resembling the Gallus Hall in Ljubljana Cankarjev Dom and knowing that a symphony orchestra is to perform before us, the image of the 2002 Križanke concert, where we first played with a symphony orchestra, came to our minds.
    After the soundcheck we had lunch in a near-by restaurant, where we were served traditional Polish food.

    At 7 PM it all started. First the symphony orchestra and our turn at half past 9. It was just as it always is. We walked on the stage full of energy and began playing. Japan, Rooskie, Rave, etc. Something was different though. The audience was different from Ljubljana though. They were more into the symphony orchestra performance; they were somewhat taken aback by our music and our performance. But we never lost heart and we brought the performance to a successful end. And it turned out that we broadened people's horizons. For most of the audience this was the first concert of this kind and-- They showed unbelievable enthusiasm over our music. We could see it from track to track and until the last beat, after which we were given a huge round of applause.

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  • Concert dates 2004

    Siddharta are announcing a few smaller concerts across Slovenia, with which by the end of this year they will try to grant their devoted fans' wish for live performances of some of their older tracks, which last year's Rh- Tour left somewhat neglected. At the same time these will quench Siddharta's thirst for live performances before their home audience, who throughout the years have shown great fondness and offered strong support of the band. Due to accelerated promotion of Siddharta's latest album abroad, these will probably offer some rare opportunities of hearing Siddharta perform their older materials, some performed in a manner slightly different to what we have been used to.
    Concert dates:
    25th November 2004, Maribor / Štuk
    26th November 2004, Maribor / Štuk
    4th December 2004, Kranj / Primskovo
    9th December 2004, Ljubljana / Cvetličarna – Media Park
    10th December 2004, Ljubljana / Cvetličarna – Media Park
    Ticket price in advance sale: 3,000 SIT, on the day of the concert: 3,600 SIT.
    The tickets will be on sale from 11th November 2004 at the stores listed below:
    Maribor: dm - drogerie markt, Europark, 18, Pobreska St., 2000 Maribor and at the Štuk cashier's
    Kranj: dm - drogerie markt, ONC, 71, Stane Zagar St., 4000 Kranj
    Ljubljana: dm - drogerie markt, Citypark, 152 g, Smartinska St., 1000 Ljubljana
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© Siddharta

Koncert na Poljskem

| 13 pictures
Odhod iz Ljubljane smo imeli v petek ob 14:00, kar je pomenilo, da je pred nami dolga pot, in seveda kot ponavadi smo si jo krajšali z filmskim maratonom, ki je narekoval kar neverjetnih 6 filmov. Nekateri so obupali in zaspali že prej, nekateri smo vztrajali do konca. Mogoče si vseeno nismo mislili da bo vožnja res trajala tako dolgo.
Prihod  v mesto Zabrze se je zgodil ob 4:00 v soboto zjutraj. Večina se je takoj odpravila na počitek, nekateri so si privoščili še kratek sprehod. Za vse pa je bil to le kratek odmor. Vstali smo že ob 9:30, pojedli zajtrk in se ob 12:00 odpravili v Dom Glasbe in Plesa. Ob prvem pogledu na dvorano, podobna je Gallusovi dvorani v Cankarjevem domu, in mislijo da pred nami igra simfonični orkester, smo imeli vsi v glavah koncert Križank iz leta 2002, kjer smo prvič igrali z simfoničnim orkestrom.
Sledila je tonska vaja in popolde kosilo v bližnji restavraciji kjer so nam postregli z tradicionalno hrano na Poljskem.
Ob 19:00 se je začelo. Najprej simfoniki in ob 21:30 naš nastop. Bilo je kot ponavadi, polni energije smo se odpravili na oder in začeli igrati. Japan, Rooskie, Rave, ... nekaj pa je bilo vseeno drugače. Publika ni bila takšna kot v Ljubljani ampak je bila bolj usmerjena v simfonični nastop, kar je pomenilo da smo jih malo presenetili z glasbo in izvedbo. Nismo se dali in koncert izpeljali korektno do konca. In izkazalo se je, da smo ljudjem razširili obzorja. Večina njih je bila prvič na takšnem koncertu in ............ bili so neverjetno navdušeni, kar se je kazalo iz komada v komad ...... do končnega takta po katerem smo bili deležni velikega aplavza.