Concert in Slovenska Bistrica, Slovenia
Halloween... it went by without witches but it felt like magic nevertheless. We played the premiere performance of Venom E and had a thrilling acceptance of it. Almost 3,000 amazingly loud fans, both young and a bit older, concluded their evening after a two-hour show. Boštjan was well again and for Novo mesto we are announcing a new premiere.Read more
See you around!
Concert in Murska Sobota, Slovenia
At 9 PM in Murska Sobota freezing cold dragged us on the so far smallest stage in a hall. The heated audience of Prekmurje was braver, at least as far as the girls are concerned. Boštjan was still forced to play with a high temperature.Read more
Concert in Ajdovščina, Slovenia
At 9 PM strong wind blew us to the widest hall stage so far, in Ajdovščina. It was the first time we tested how bold the girls are in various towns in Slovenia. Among the crowd of 2,000 barely a girl had the courage to take off her shirt for the competing photo. Boštjan was ill and had to play with a high temperature of 40 C and was brought to the venue later and taken home back to bed immediately after the concert.Read more
Concert in Domžale, Slovenia
The soundcheck went by with no trouble at all... it was all set in less than an hour. While waiting for the concert to start we sat in a bar near-by and cheered for our football team. During the show of our opening act, Plan B, we were told that the power went out on the stage and we were somewhat worried if our instruments would work properly, especially the keyboards. But there was no need to worry... we were to have a truly unforgettable show.Read more
Domžale was loud!
Concert in Zagorje ob Savi, Slovenia
Before the soundcheck we had a few radio interviews scheduled. The doors opened at 6 PM already and the opening act went on at 7. We took our positions at 8:30 and remained there for two hours. Afterwards our fans joined us backstage. We had a few talks and signed a few autographs. We believe everyone was satisfied.Read more
Golden Drum
Read moreToday, 10th annual Golden Drum - Advertising Festival of the New Europe - www.goldendrum.com - awards went to the best in the advertising business.In the category of 'Print media' Siddharta's limited-edition album Rh- CD cover was awarded a Silver Drumstick. The award went to the cover's designer Sašo Dornik (Ventilator).The cover of the limited-edition (1,500 copies only) album Rh- is designed as a transfusion bag and was sold from transfusion hangers. -
Concert in Bled, Slovenia
The Ice Hall in Bled may be freezing but when 4,500 eager fans fill it, the heat soon goes up to the boiling point. Watching fans go wild before the stage is inspiring! Two hours of wild partying tired us down pretty well but we were still up to meeting the fans and after a third concert in a row to having the earned drink in a near-by club. A beautiful and sunny day was over early next morning.Read more
Concert in Koper, Slovenia
After the soundcheck we had a few interviews and then waited for our moment in the pleasant coast climate. At 20:45 we took our position on the stage and did what we like doing most.... live shows rule! The sound on stage was great and accordingly, such was also our energy. The audience didn't hold back either... with the 4,000 voices we almost couldn't get a sound in edgeways.Read more
Concert in Maribor, Slovenia
There... the first in the row is behind us. Maribor. The Tabor hall. A crowd of 5,000 people. Our audience keeps surprising us over and over again. They are an indefinite source of first-class and most pure energy. Fantastic! We stepped on the stage at 8 PM and offered a two-hour rock n' roll experience. It ran like a well-oiled machine. After the concert we signed a few autographs, toasted to a great concert and waved goodby smilingly to the Styrian capital.Read more
Moving on tomorrow.... we will go wild, go wild!
Concert Photos
Read morePhotos from the Ljubljana Stadium concert have been added to the photo gallery.Photos by: Tomaž Košir & Stane Sršen, Memento Agency

Koncert Koper
| 53 picturesPo tonski vaji smo opravili še nekaj intrevjujev in ob prijetni obalni klimi pričakali naš moment. Ob 20.45 smo zavzeli oder in počeli tisto, kar najraje počnemo...živi nastopi so zakon! Zvok na odru je bil odličen in temu primerna je bila tudi naša energija. In tudi publika se ni »šparala«...4000 grl nas je skoraj preglasilo.